Large clouds of steam were seen across the city on Wednesday (April 5). At around 1pm a plume of steam could be seen coming from the EnviroEnergy building on London Road, Nottingham, after an electrical fault.
Enviroenergy, recently brought back under the full control of the Labour-run Nottingham City Council, helps convert waste into energy to power homes across the city under the district heating system. The large station is powered by the waste burned at the Eastcroft Incinerator further down the road, which is marked by its prominent tower.
It converts all of the household waste into heat and electricity, with the steam transferred to the EnviroEnergy site. This hot water is then used to heat 4,700 homes and 130 businesses across Nottingham.
A spokesperson for Nottingham City Council has confirmed that the smoke seen earlier from the EnviroEnergy site was due to an electrical fault causing the release valves to vent earlier, which is a standard safety feature. The release of the steam from the safety valve caused a loud rushing noise which could be heard by people across the city.

Engineers have attended the site to carry out repairs, which were expected to be completed the same day. It has also been confirmed that there has been no loss of service to residents or customers on the district heating system as their power supply moves automatically to a back-up system.