When it comes to household chores, defrosting the freezer rarely makes the top of anyone’s to-do list. Yet figuring out the best time of day to defrost a freezer can make all the difference, saving you time and minimising disruption.
Knowing how to defrost a freezer when the time is right is key. So when is that elusive best time?
Whether you’re battling ice building up in your freezer or simply want to ensure your freezer stays energy efficient, we break down what time of day is best to make defrosting a freezer quick and painless, offering tips for speeding up the process, with the help of the experts.

Mornings, afternoons, or evenings each has its own advantages when it comes to defrosting. Some homeowners might prefer early mornings for the cooler, ambient temperatures. Others find mid-afternoon ideal, as it aligns with meal prep, letting you reorganise or dispose of food items while the freezer thaws.
And then there’s the evening crowd, who prefer to defrost after dinner, so the freezer can thaw overnight. But the best time of day to defrost a freezer isn’t just about what's convenient. Factors like temperature, household activity levels and your freezer's contents all play a role.
'The best time of day to defrost a freezer depends on the temperature of the room and how much ice is in the freezer, explains Nevin Malcok, refrigeration expert at Hotpoint.
'It’s always to keep on top of defrosting your freezer and it’s always best to pick a time of the day where you’re not too busy so you can keep an eye on the progress of defrosting.'
What is the best time of day to defrost a freezer?
Overall, the experts we spoke to agree that mornings are the ideal time to tackle the task of defrosting your freezer.
The cooler temperatures of the early hours help maintain your food at safe temperatures while the freezer is out of action. Plus, morning defrosting means you’ll have the entire day to finish the job without feeling rushed.
'Ideally, you should begin to defrost your freezer in the morning. This comes down to daylight, and it’ll be a much easier task when you’re doing this while it’s light out,' explains Sarah Heaps, refrigerator expert at AO.com.
This ensures you can thoroughly clean, dry, and organize your freezer before restocking it with your frozen goods. And not to mention the fact that mornings are when most of us feel naturally energised and motivated to tick off household chores. It's a win-win.

What you'll need
A large cool box will help house all your frozen items for the majority of the time it takes to defrost your freezer.
Add these freezer blocks to your cool box to keep all your frozen items at the right temperature.
Mop up the water as your freezer thaws out with these microfibre cloths. They'll come in handy when giving your freezer a thorough clean once all the ice has melted to boot.
What should you not do when defrosting a freezer?
There are a few mistakes you'll want to avoid when defrosting your freezer to ensure the process goes smoothly and safely.
'It’s worthwhile to note there are a couple of don’ts when it comes to defrosting your freezer,' explains Sarah Heaps, AO.com's refrigerator expert. 'Avoid using any knives or metal scrapers as these can damage your freezer’s lining or cooling system.'
'Make sure that you’re collecting the thawed water either through containers or a series of towels to keep water from damaging cupboards or even your floor.'
'Similarly, once defrosted, allow your freezer to reach the correct temperature before you begin to restock this with food.'
Nevin Malcok, refrigerator expert at Hotpoint adds that while you defrost 'you should leave the door open to allow air circulation and warmth.'
What is the most efficient way to defrost a freezer?
'The most efficient way is to take your time and follow the correct instructions/steps. Don’t try and cut corners and this could result in a damaged freezer or the task taking even longer when you have to rectify mistakes,' suggests Nevin Malcok, Hotpoint's refrigerator expert.
'Give yourself plenty of time to prepare and collect the water thawing from your freezer before doing so,' adds Sarah Heaps, refrigerator expert at AO.com.
How long do you have to leave the freezer off to defrost?
To defrost a freezer, it’s best to switch it off and leave the door open for at least 24 hours, allowing all ice to melt completely. However, if time is of the essence, a quicker option is to use bowls of hot water to speed up the process, but always make sure you prioritise safety.
'Usually, defrosting your freezer will take between 6-8 hours depending on how frozen this is. This can of course be sped up by using the hot water trick, which will help shave this down to 2-3 hours,' explains Sarah Heaps, AO.com's refrigerator expert.