One of the worst symptoms of the summer heat is the hot, sticky nights, which are common in countries like the UK, where air conditioning units aren't commonplace.
Our pillows really suffer as a result, due to the accumulation of moisture - think mass amounts of sweat, drool and even skincare products. All these can cause your pillows to turn a nasty yellow colour, and while there are ways of getting rid of the stains, the best way is prevention.
One of the things you can do to prevent the unsightly yellow stains is keep on top of your cleaning - and when it comes to bedding, many of us aren't cleaning it often enough.

Jessica Hanley, founder of Piglet in Bed, has revealed we need to be cleaning our pillow cases, as well as our bedding, at least once a week - especially in summer.
She explained: "Pillow covers typically take the brunt of most sweat or dirt and therefore can start to look dirty and get a little bit smelly.
"Keeping on top of cleaning them will not only keep your pillows looking and smelling fresh but can also prolong the life of your pillows."
If you tend to sweat and drool a lot in your sleep, it can also help to invest in pillow protectors. She explained: "If you are someone that is prone to sweating or drooling in your sleep, then it might be a good idea to invest in some waterproof pillow protectors.
"This will ensure that any moisture is kept from seeping down into your pillow which, over time, could lead to a build up of bacteria and even the growth of mould and mildew.
"Pillow protectors are very easily removed and can be washed regularly with the rest of your bedding."
While you should be cleaning your cases weekly, Jessica says you only need to wash your actual pillows a couple of times a year.
When washing your pillows, you should follow the manufacturer's instructions, for example to see if they can go in the washing machine or not.
But in between washes, the bedding expert recommends using baking soda to keep them fresh. She explained: "Baking soda is great for absorbing moisture and reducing odours, which makes it perfect for sweaty pillows. All you need to do is sprinkle an even amount across your pillows and leave it to sit for a couple of hours.
"After waiting, use a handheld vacuum with a small nozzle to keep your pillow clean, making sure to remove all bicarb residue."
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