Dog owners have an endless list of things in common, from their devotion to daily walks to their everlasting love for pets. And now it seems owners of the same breed also have similar personalities too. According to new research by The Kennel Club, pet parents of cocker spaniels are the most curious and Jack Russell owners are the most loyal.
The research revealed what an owner's choice of dog breed says about them, with golden retrievers ranking the most happiest and Staffordshire bull terriers the most trustworthy. So, if you looking for love and affection, a Staffy could be the one for you - but if you're all about family values, a spaniel may be the best fit.

The study revealed which owners ranked the most highly for certain personality traits when compared to those who own other breeds:
Springer spaniel – Most traditional, reserved, and punctual
Border terrier – Most charming, lively and exuberant
Cocker spaniel – Most creative and family-orientated
Staffordshire bull terrier – Most affectionate and trustworthy
Jack Russell terrier and miniature schnauzer – Most loyal and faithful
Based on the Big Five traits, a common way of evaluating personalities, the research saw owners of the UK's most popular dog breeds ranked against personality statements.
Those who enjoy new experiences, have lots of hobbies and enjoy taking risks, owned whippets, and those owners who ranked most emotionally stable, stating they were positive and happy, had golden retrievers.
Owners who displayed the highest level of conscientiousness, including being organised and preferring to stick to the rules, had miniature schnauzers.

The research also showed similarities between owners and their breed, indicating people unconsciously select dogs that reflect their own personalities.
Golden retrievers are known to be happy in temperament, and their owners ranked as the happiest and most positive, compared to owners of other breeds.
Staffies have affectionate personalities, much like their owners who ranked as the most affectionate.
Jack Russell terriers are described as friendly, the third most dominant characteristic owners recognise in themselves.
However, the research also showed that whilst people might select breeds they feel an affinity with, owners aren't always so good at selecting dog breeds that match their lifestyle.
With 63 percent choosing their four-legged friend based on looks or following their heart - rather than their head - half of those then say they can't offer their dog everything that they need.

Bill Lambert, spokesperson for The Kennel Club, said: "It appears that we can often tell a lot about a person from the type of dog that they own.
"Each breed has distinct characteristics, traits and care needs, which helps would-be owners understand more about whether they might be a good fit for them.
"It is quite striking to see how many people unconsciously select dog breeds with personalities that match their own character, showing that birds of a feather really do flock together.
"However, it is also shocking to see how many people say that they choose with their hearts, not their heads, when finding a pet, and how many admit they can't provide for all their dog's needs.
"Our Discover Dogs event in London on October 15 and 16 is a unique chance for people to get up close and personal with almost 200 different breeds, to find their perfect match."
What type of dog owner are you? Let us know in the comments.