With the rising cost of energy bills continuing to affect people up and down the country, many will be looking at different ways to save money where they can, from alternative heating methods to finding new ways to cook their favourite meals. However, some may forget about their fridge freezer, which is known to be among the most costly of all household appliances.
Under the new energy price cap, Brits will be paying approximately 24p a day to run their fridge, up from 13p before the price cap. With this in mind, specialists from air conditioning and refrigeration contractor ADK Kooling have offered three dos and three don'ts for those looking to make savings in this area.
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ADK Kooling specialist Omar Idrissi said: “Our fridges run for 24 hours a day, every day, making them one of the most costly appliances in our homes. With energy bills on the rise, households up and down the country are looking for savvy ways to save money, and the first place we recommend the look is their fridge freezers.”
Do make sure your fridge feet levels are even
Uneven feet levels can result in a tilt, leading to the fridge coolant pooling in the pipes. This means the pump has to work harder, ultimately making the fridge less energy efficient.
Do make sure to allow for a ventilation gap
If you don't have proper ventilation, this can cause damage to your fridge and can increase energy consumption. People are advised to allow for at least a quarter-inch ventilation gap on the refrigerator sides, plus one inch on the back and top
Do ensure you check the fridge drain
Debris can accumulate inside your fridge freezer over time, resulting in the drain getting blocked and water overflowing from the gutter and into the fridge. This can create serious issues if ignored, potentially destroying your fridge plus all the food inside.
Don't keep your fridge freezer in a shed or garage
The majority of modern fridge freezers now have a built-in ambient temperature sensor. When a refrigerator is put somewhere where the temperature is not maintained, this may well affect its performance. The freezer will stop working altogether if put in an outdoor area such as a shed or garage during wintertime.
Don’t ever overfill your fridge freezer
Overfilling your fridge freeze means the air won't be able to flow through the unit as it should, and some food items might not stay chilled. This could result in spoiled food or even food poisoning.
Don't make the assumption that pricey fridges work better
A price tag doesn't necessarily indicate better performance, and you can still end up paying through the nose for a mediocre fridge. Poor performance can in turn result in wasted food and higher energy bills.
Do you have some energy-saving tips to share? Email us at julia.banim@reachplc.com