As per information from Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC), several such cases were booked by field officers earlier this month. Officers of the air intelligence unit of Bengaluru customs intercepted 65 live star tortoises, an endangered species listed under the Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora which prohibits their export or imports, said a newsletter from CBIC chairman.
Aizwal customs division of customs (preventive) Commissionerate North Eastern Region at Shillong intercepted nine exotic animals being smuggled at Mizoram.
Also customs officers at Tughlakabad intercepted 22 tn of hazardous e-waste attempted to be smuggled into the country, the tax authority said. Also, on receipt of specific information regarding smuggling of foreign branded cigarettes, into Vijayawada city, officers intercepted two lorries containing 80 lakh foreign brand cigarette sticks valued at about ₹8 crores, said the newsletter from Chairman Vivek Johri.
Earlier this month, officials detected a case of foreign exchange expenses incurred on import of services without discharging GST under the reverse charge mechanism. The tax payer deposited ₹14.7 crore towards their GST liabilities, agreeing with the officials’ observations.