Pranali Rathod, who became a household name as Akshara from Rajan Shahi's Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, has come a long way. Before making it big as Akshara, the actress played a variety of roles from positive to negative. Recently, Pranali joined ETimes TV for an exclusive chat and opened up about her journey in the industry, facing rejections and her inspirations while growing up.
"Before entering this industry for the first year, I only gave auditions because I knew where the auditions would happen. But I could not travel alone for the auditions as I was young, I would go with my mother. I would travel from one location to another in the sun. I did all that for one entire year. I struggled for one year to bag my first project. There was a point when I only got rejected and I was demotivated. I felt this was not meant for me, I was very demotivated. But my family taught me one thing to not give up because of rejections, they told me instead to learn from them. You should work on yourself and take those rejections positively if you want to be an actress. Thanks to my mother, father, and my family, I could reach so far in life," shared the actress about the rejection phase.
When asked if she always planned to be an actress Pranali said, "Since the very beginning of my childhood, I wanted to become an actor, I had that acting ka keeda in me. I grew up watching films and during my school days I would actively take part in dance, drama and even did theatre in college."
She further spoke about her family's support, "Somewhere the family knew that I wanted to join this field but my father wanted me to complete graduation first. He was very sure that I finish my education first and then can choose any career. I did BMM (Bachelor of Mass Media) and the first year, and I gave full attention to my studies during the first year but in the second year, I started giving auditions. My family was very supportive and I am very happy and grateful about it."
Pranali has always managed to bag versatile roles. She impressed one and all when she took up the challenging role of playing a stepmother in Kyun Utthe Dil Chhod Aaya. She was paired opposite a much older Yash Tonk and in Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, she romancing Harshad Chopda, who is 13 years older than her. The actress credits her co-stars for the on-screen bonding and chemistry, "I think it comes very naturally and I am an extrovert by nature and I love talking to people, new people. I think bonding becomes natural and thick as time passes. And we have some amazing people on the sets, everyone is so good. Touchwood with all the people I’ve worked with so far has been amazing to work with and has been so warm. So apne aap connection baith jaata hai."
Pranali feels blessed to have bagged some different roles without getting typecast, "All the roles I’ve done so far in my career, I don’t regret any of them. I have reached so far in my career because of all those roles. I have learnt some or the other thing from each of the roles that I’ve played and because of all of them, I am able to play Akshara today. I have different emotions from different characters."
The actress also talked about her inspirations whom she looked up to while growing up, "I loved watching movies growing up. I watched films like Dil Toh Pagal Hai and Madhuri Dixit, Sridevi ma'am are my favourite actresses. I love watching old movies. They have been my inspiration."
When asked if she is ready to work on OTT or does she have reservations when it comes to doing bold scenes, "There are few things I am comfortable doing on-screen, but there are few things that I am not. But I am open to work and if I find content, which is extraordinary, and I feel from inside that I want to do it, I won't mind doing it," concluded Pranali.