Pandya Store actress Shrashti Maheshwari got married to Bangalore-based tech engineer Karan Vaidya on June 19. The couple got engaged in February and were slated to get married in April, but postponed their wedding owing to the pandemic. The couple got married in Karan's hometown Jaipur. It was an arranged marriage for the actress.
Shrashti said, "Nothing has changed from the time I got engaged to Karan to now when I am married. My throat is sore singing songs and dancing with Karan. I enjoyed my wedding, it was filled with colour, warmth and love of my in-laws and husband Karan is a very romantic guy. I like that about him. He picked me in his arms during the 'jaymala' ceremony and took me to the wedding mandap. Right after the festivities, I changed into my jeans and my in-laws were okay with it. I am glad that I have entered this new chapter of my life."
Shrashti was dressed in a red lehenga for her wedding and later she wore a white gown for the reception. She shared, "We had carefully planned all the wedding outfits and though we only invited friends and family, it was a dream wedding."
Ask her when she will return to Mumbai and she said, "I plan to get back to work by the end of this month. For now, I am enjoying quality time with my husband. Karan will be working in US, so for some time it will be a long distance marriage."