Actor Naveen Sharma tied the knot with Roshni Sharma, a medical student, on March 30 in Jaipur. It was a big fat wedding with sangeet, mehendi and a fun reception. The couple wore colour-co-ordinated outfits at each function and had a blast. Apart from their families and friends, there were a few members from the TV industry too who were present.
(Naveen and Roshni during the reception before the pheras)
(Roshni and Naveen dressed in western outfits for their sangeet)
(Swati Kapoor applies haldi on Naveen)
Naveen had said in an interview a few days before his wedding, "I have always wanted a larger-than-life shaadi. I believe that weddings need to be colourful with music and band-bajaa and everything else. At my wedding, we will have all the Rajasthani rituals and I am looking forward to it."
(Actor Rahul Sharma and Naveen's co-actors from Kundali Bhagya Swati Kapoor and Ruhi Chaturvedi)
The actor was last seen in the TV show Molkki. He said, "I have kept everything on hold for my marriage. I will start working by the end of April. I am looking forward to this new chapter in my life. I had always wanted a partner who understands my freedom and lets me be myself and she is someone like that." He had also shared how Roshni is a very understanding girl. He said, "I always wanted someone who would give me my space and let me by myself. She is a medical student and we are hoping that she will relocate to Mumbai and pursue her studies in Mumbai, so that we can stay together. I have kept away from work for a long time due to my wedding. Now, that the wedding is over, I will focus on my work."