Plans have been revealed for build-to-rent apartments inside a tower which would almost compare to skyscraper Victoria Centre flats. But one former MP has questioned the city's carbon footprint and sustainable development.
Alan Simpson, ex-politician for Nottingham South and an independent campaigner and adviser on climate policy, objects to the latest blueprint for hundreds of flats - reaching up 22-storeys high - in a huge redevelopment of land off Queen's Road in Nottingham city centre. The project goes before Nottingham City Council's planning committee on October 19, amid a surge in student accommodation going up across the city to meet demand.
It comes as two large student accommodation projects are currently under construction, with 354 student bedrooms being built at the former Housing Aid site on Lower Parliament Street, and a further 215 at Nelson Court next to Sneinton Market.
READ MORE: Update on plans for 'enormous' 38-storey skyscraper that would dwarf Nottingham's tallest building
They are the latest on a long list of student blocks to spring up in the eastern part of the city, with further buildings currently in the planning process along Glasshouse Street. A total of 401 student rooms could be built in Rick Street, opposite the Victoria Centre parking entrance and another 568 will replace a complex of offices on King Edward Street.

The latest planning application details a purpose-built student accommodation building with 406 beds and two buildings containing a total of 238 build-to-rent apartments - with the planned 22-storey London Road facing tower similar in scale to Nottingham's tallest building - the Victoria Centre flats.
Mr Simpson said of the plan: "This is classic. Pretty much everyone wants to see Nottingham develop prosperously and not be left with great tracks of abandoned land - but the question now is: What is sustainable development?
"And the great worry is developers are in a mad rush, almost like a Gold Rush, on cashing in for the student accommodation, which will leave a legacy of nightmares for the city".
This week it was revealed more than half of the UK's oldest active weather stations recorded their hottest day ever in 2022, according to Met Office data. New all-time highs were set at 56 of the 109 longest standing stations during the July heatwave. One west Yorkshire village broke its previous record by a whopping 6.3C.
Mr Simpson added: "We are on a planet rollercoaster", adding that we have to think our way forward in the sense cities can survive a much more turbulent drive forward for weather events.
"We need more planning consideration to look at how buildings go up that actually reduce our carbon footprint - that are generating our own energy, heating, and costing themselves with passive energy."
Today wooden skyscrapers are sprouting up across the globe, from Norway to New Zealand.
Nottingham needs to look at more sustainable ideas such as ‘Plyscrapers’: The rise of the wooden skyscraper, with Mr Simpson stressing, "all of these are much less carbon-intensive" and "this is the vision of a sustainable future" and something a number of people are arguing for.
To "throw up" buildings within a decade, Mr Simpson fears city residents are going to have to step in and pay for their upgrading - because the developers have "pocketed the proceeds to push to spoil someone else's future".
"So my objection to this was 'who in any terms has said that Nottingham needs more high-rise accommodation at a time where there is a real proliferation of empty buildings and structures that could be bought back to really creative structural use?
"We have to draw a line with developers who are doing a 'land grab' and a 'cash grab' - that will leave them richer and the city poorer." Nottingham has a reputation as one city in the UK which has set the earliest carbon neutral target by 2028 ( CN28 Carbon Neutral Nottingham ).
The plan is broken down into four main sections, covering a range of themes from: Carbon reduction measures (including transport, the built environment, energy generation, waste and water, and consumption, to carbon removal and Ecology and biodiversity.
According to Nottingham City Council's website on the topic: "Nottingham has reduced its overall CO2 emissions per capita by 57.7%, the highest reduction of any UK core city. During the second year of delivery, significant achievements have been made to help continue the downward trend of CO2 emissions in the city".
Mr Simpson said for every development that goes up before the council the issue will have to the first question - how will this development help the city to cut its carbon omissions by 2028?
"The answer is: It will push us over the edge of climate tipping points".
The Old Tracks pub once sat on the site before planning consent for its demolition was granted back in 2001, following this a number of units were built and stood for a number of years.
These were recently inhabited by a number of businesses such as United Carpets and used-car sellers Permission was then granted to demolish the four units on the site in May of this year, prompting some concern from the businesses themselves, but the impending final decision over the scheme has proved divisive.
Planning officers have recommended that the plans be approved by Nottingham City Council's planning committee. A council planning officer noted the 22-storey tower would be visible in views to and from the conservation area and Station but also that it would be surrounded by other modern developments on Queens Road and London Road.
A spokesperson for developer MRP had said: “We are pleased that our application is recommended for approval and scheduled to appear before the planning committee next week. This marks the culmination of a comprehensive planning process, which included positive partnership and collaboration with a range of stakeholders and significant public consultation. If approved this will be a very positive addition to the Nottingham student and residential sectors.”
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The latest Nottingham City Centre news from Nottinghamshire Live