A single-judge Bench of the High Court (HC) consisting of Justice N. Jayasurya on Thursday directed the CBI to submit a counter affidavit indicating its position on the quash petition filed by former MLA Amanchi Krishna Mohan against the notice issued to him under Section 41-A of the Criminal Procedure Code for allegedly making derogatory comments on the judiciary.
Appearing for the CBI, Assistant Solicitor General of India N. Harinath said there was no ‘threat of arrest’ as long as the petitioner complied with the procedures and so far he did not respond to the summons served by the CBI in the present instance by citing personal reasons.
Mr. Krishna Mohan and a host of other YSR Congress Party leaders are accused of passing disparaging remarks on the judges of the HC with regard to the judgements on the proposed three capitals and some other cases and attributing motives to them.
He, however, claimed to have not made any comment that lowered the prestige of the judiciary.
The case has been adjourned by two weeks to enable the CBI to file the counter.