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Every word Jesse Marsch said on selfless Leeds United man, Harrison expletive and Coutinho plan

Leeds United lost yet another player to injury last weekend as Tyler Roberts suffered a hamstring rupture which required surgery.

While the procedure has been successful, Roberts will now be missing for the next 'three-to-four months' according to head coach Jesse Marsch.

The American began his Wednesday press conference by making a statement to the assembled journalists, on the decision to leave Roberts on the field last weekend, despite having suffered a serious injury.

"Yeah, why don't I start today," Marsch began. "I just want to acknowledge the injury with Tyler Roberts, you know it was kind of a freak accident on the pitch and we knew it was going to be pretty heavy injury right away. But Tyler was adamant about wanting to stay on the pitch for the rest of the match, which I appreciated. And it helped us a little bit maybe in set piece situations and whatnot.

"But he had a successful surgery, we texted a little bit after the surgery and he was in positive spirits and the surgeon feels like it went well. So we're hopeful that he'll have a full recovery and, and in three, four months time be strong and ready and back at 100%."

Here is every question and answer from Jesse Marsch's pre-match press conference.

Jesse, can you just sum up how your time has been here so far was 10 days first game under your belt? How's that? Settling in period?

Yeah, you know, the nice thing is, it's slowing down a little bit. The first days when you come there's a million things on your mind and a million things to take care of. And you've got to get to know people more and more. Now we've spent more intensive time with each other, everything from the people here at the training centre to the staff at the stadium, to obviously the players and I think that we've enjoyed our time together, it's been very positive. We obviously felt good about the the first performance despite not getting the result that we thought we wanted and frankly deserved. But we know that those good feelings are will only stay strong when we can get the results. So the focus and concentration to try to push every day to understand exactly what direction we want to go; it's been good. And we will need that in this coming week.

You sound as though you've had positivity from the players as well which is a good thing is, you have to remember it's not easy for them? They've had to adapt?

Yeah, they do have to adapt. We talked about that from the beginning. I think it's not just the tactics and the football style. It's also the type of leader I am. I'm different, you know, I'm more interactive, I think. Not just comparing to Marcelo, but to many coaches. They're getting to know me more, I think they're getting to understand what's important to me, and what will be important to us. And, their ability to commit to that every day and come with energy every day, it will determine how quick the learning curve is. Again, after the first game, I think the feedback in terms of the performance is what we wanted. But it's only the first step. And there's a long, long, long way to go yet.

Just talking about that first game, a lot of people focused on the immediate aftermath and the post match huddle on the pitch. Was that was that something spontaneous? Something you want to continue?

So I've done that at different moments, partly because, you know, like, if I go back to my time in Austria and Germany after the game, the media comes for players right away, and it's almost impossible after the match to have the whole group together. So I have, I've spoken with James that the attention around this small little conversation with the group I find, frankly, hilarious and ridiculous. But whatever. Maybe people don't see that much here. I've done that quite a few times in my career and positive moments and negative moments. And it's about now making sure that we're able to as a group process, what just happened and make sure that we're clear on what was good, what was bad and how we're going to move forward. So I think I thought that the immediate feedback in that situation was important. I realised maybe I could do it in the locker room, maybe I'll do it on the pitch. I don't know, who cares?

Spoke to Jack Harrison yesterday, he enjoyed it. He thought it was the right thing to do.

Okay, good. Yeah. And then And then, you know, our fans were great at Leicester to make sure that we always go and acknowledge them, which the guys are really good about that. And then, you know, just to, to continue our process here of what we're what we're trying to develop and, and to do it in as short a time frame as we possibly can.

Jack Harrison poses with the Yorkshire Cancer Research logo at Leeds United's stadium Elland Road (Leeds United)

Just talking about fans, how important are these statements of the obvious, I suppose, isn't it two home games? Big six points available this for 11 matches for a thirty three points to play for, there is a long way to go, isn't it?

Well, first, I would say with the fans like I've spent some time in and around the city to having dinner and seeing people and I think that the fans have come to a really good balance of understanding that they can love Marcelo Bielsa, and still support the new coach and the new direction of the team. And I think I'm certainly very comfortable with that as well. And I think in the end, what's the most important is that the team can perform and represent the fans and get the results that we need to keep us in the Premier League. So they understand that I've had a lot of really positive interactions with people and really kind I mean, I can honestly really kind and generous and thoughtful and supportive, much more than I think I deserve or could ask for. So I'm thankful for that. And I'm doing everything I can to make sure that we as a group and as a team can represent that kindness and that mentality within our within our community here.

You spoke about Tyler Roberts, a blow for him. But what about Patrick Bamford? Is he ready to return and start?

Yeah, Patrick will play for sure. Tomorrow, he won't start but he will be ready from the bench. And we're excited to have him back in the team. And I think he can give us a real boost.

That's been a massive miss for the spine of the team as well?

What was interesting is so then, you know, when we were contemplating his return to play and what we wanted his weeks to look like here since I've been here, then the physical team told me what his loading has been like over the last 6, 7, 8 months and with the different kinds of injuries he's had, he hasn't trained hard often and certainly hasn't played much. So even getting him back, it's the reason why I was hesitant against Leicester. I just felt like we had more to lose than gain in that moment. And knowing how important Patrick is, even for me from a personality perspective, he's a positive guy comes with the energy works really hard, like the effect he'll have in the group I think will be relatively massive. And I think we need to make sure that we handle his return in a way that only gets him stronger and stronger and better and better.

So Tyler, on course, the three or four months as you were saying, What about Leo Hjelde? Has he undergone surgery as well?

Yes. I think he had surgery Wednesday last Wednesday. So it's been eight days. Maybe it was Thursday, seven days. The immediate feedback has been that it was not so severe and that they trimmed up his knee really well. And his knee hasn't reacted. He doesn't have much swelling, has full range of motion and he's walking without a limp and looks like the recovery could be you know, a matter of weeks instead of months.

So you think he might have a part to play this season?

I hope so. I hope so.

What about Adam Forshaw and Diego Llorente for tomorrow night?

Yeah, I think they're both possibilities from the start. And certainly close to 100%. And Adam Forshaw told me he hasn't felt this good in weeks. So I think he'll be absolutely ready for the match tomorrow and Diego as well. Diego was in full training today and he'll be ready as well.

Was Diego injured?

Yeah, he had a small muscle issue. But it kept him out of availability for the weekend. But he will certainly be in the squad tomorrow.

Diego Llorente is set to return to the Leeds United squad (James Williamson - AMA/Getty Images)

Listening post-match the other day, Jesse, you're saying that you could see where they need to be sharper in every moment of the game. Have you managed to implement the things that you need to be sharper in?

Yeah, well, we implement yes and no, but certainly address in terms of video and tactics and understanding of roles on the pitch. We've talked relatively clearly and extensively to try to make everyone aware exactly what their roles are at every single moment in the match. And you know, that's a big part of what I tried to do tactically is give them clarity as to in every moment what the roles are. And then how they fit with each other. And then what I find is once they understand the reasons why, what the expectations are that then they're able to get to the point where these are second nature, behaviours on the pitch. And then, and then they're able to play freely. Obviously, we're not there yet. But they felt the power, they felt the power of the way we want to play from the Leicester match. And so now the key is to keep them hungry to improve and understand and execute, and allow them the freedom to go on the pitch and go after it with everything they have. So we're getting there, we're getting there a little bit closer every day.

So good communication, Stuart Dallas and Jack Harrison have both said, you've been very clear what you want. Where have you learned to do that? How have you learned to do that?

Well for me, I'm so happy to not speak German anymore. Because, you know, I mean, it's the intonation of language, it's the small details of what words to use, and when that make communication effective or not. And I became relatively fluent in German, but, you know, I wasn't able to capture every moment, as well as I can in English, obviously. So even the thought of coming here, there's so many things I think I touched on in the first press conference about the people here, the connection I have with the leaders in the club, the idea of what the club is, and wants to become and how the playing style can transfer from, you know, Marcelo to me, but a lot of it is also that I feel much more comfortable in my ability to, to implement, to communicate to, to describe. And also, the emotion I think comes across when I'm just able to speak my mother tongue. So what's funny is that maybe I'm ridiculed more for my language here in England than I would be in Germany, and it's my native language. But we'll get through that. I'm not worried, we'll be able to get through that.

Jesse Marsch celebrates with the trophies after winning the Austrian Bundesliga in 2021 (KRUGFOTO/APA/AFP via Getty Images)

As for Aston Villa, you have had crossover with Steven Gerrard when he was at LA, what do you think of him as a coach?

Well, I would start with first talking about watching him as a player, when he was at Liverpool. He was a player I admired because of his passion, and his will, his will on the pitch. And so, you know, I think for a manager like him, he's trying to then use those qualities to translate to his team, to impose upon his team. And that's, that's clear. And I think that they've responded to him really well, despite not every result being what they would would want. I can relate with that. I was nowhere near the quality of player as Steven, but, but I tried to embody full mentality on the pitch, and to be a player that played with no fear and went after the game and after the opponent at all moments. So I appreciate what he has said, we played against LA, I think we won. When he was there, we I think we might have won three to two with a late goal, late penalty, but he scored in that game, if I remember correctly. Might have been maybe it was two, two, I think it was three-two. But the crowds you know, LA is sort of like the the jewel of MLS and the the superstars that they've had there over the years with David Beckham and countless other guys, meant that the games in LA were always exciting and fun and had a lot of emotion.

Just finally, how many times a day to remind Jack Harrison that you'd beat him 7-0 on his professional debut?

He reminded me that that was his first game. And I said, 'Okay, we won't talk about it'. I think that's a pretty famous game in the history of the league in MLS, and certainly one that we had a good match plan and played very, very well. But I knew, you know, I'd watched Jack at university and we'd considered trying to find a way to draft him when I was at the New York Red Bulls. All these things might be a little bit foreign to the way football works here in England, but, um, the way it works in the US, I knew who he was, and we would have really liked to have had him at the New York Red Bulls, but unfortunately, the enemy had taken him but but it's nice to be on the same team with him now.

Jack Harrison and Frank Lampard were teammates at New York City FC (Michael Stewart)

Jesse, how much emphasis on improving the defence because you seem to limit Leicester to quite relatively few chances?

Well, I mean, it's it's one thing to say you need to defend better and then it's another thing to just be clear with what the tactical model is and how you want your team to behave. For me the way we play it's not fair to say that Illan needs to improve his performances or that the centre backs or it's it's about the team and the clarity which we want to play and, and if you were to talk about their ability to execute that in the game against Leicester I would say, it was a very good performance, very positive, quite unlucky, even in the moment that we give up the goal. The one thing I spoke to the team about is the goal was a result a little bit of the fact that when Schmeichel had the ball, we weren't all ready for exactly what was going to come next. And it was too easy for Leicester to walk down the field and now be in our last third, and have the opportunity to put together a little quality play like that. So, the importance in the way we play that every player is always alert and ready and clear and organised and that the communication on the pitch as such that the roles are understood, is what will make us a better defensive team more so than just the individual performances.

What are you expecting from Aston Villa because they are in better form?

They'll play, I'd be shocked if they don't play with a diamond they've played in, that they've gotten two good results when they've played with a diamond in the last games Coutinho been a big factor playing the 10 in the diamond, the two strikers Ings and Watkins have been very active and very explosive, specifically in transition moments. They've also defended very well. They're a team that I frankly admire with what they do with set pieces, I've heard they have a set piece coach and the creativity they show in the variation that they have in everything that they do means that we have to be alert and ready for any kind of special plays that they might organise. And a team that's very confident, right and and so that can always be dangerous. We will need our fans, we will need a good start. Or certainly one of the goals will be in a good start to find a way to get the lead. It's been a long time for us as a team since we've had a lead in a match. So I think we painted the picture. We've also played against them a month ago, but I think we painted a pretty clear picture as to what to expect from the game and then and then what our tactics are and what we want to achieve.

How are Kalvin and Liam getting on? When might we see them?

So Liam was in training yesterday, and I think he's making really good progress, Kalvin is is a few days behind. We will evaluate on Friday if he's ready to start to enter training. In my mind, I'm earmarking the international break as a time where we can really start to get them into a training rhythm and get him back to being at 100%. Maybe it happens earlier. Let's see. But I think what's most important at this juncture right now is that we don't have any setbacks and that we're building them in the right way. So that the curve of returning back to play is as steep as can be but has no interruptions.

How can you get the best out of Raphinha?

Yeah, I think making him clear with what the tactics are and what we want from him in different moments with and without the ball. And having him be aggressive and confident in one v one situations and transition moments, have him be explosive and, and use his ability to run and sprint and do that over and over again, he's one of the most fit players on the team. And then for the team to understand how to find him, how to use him, how to really help support him so that he can be all the things that we know he can and help us find goals and assists and be aggressive. So what I like about him is I called on him in one of the meetings this week and he spoke English in front of the group and he did it in a confident way. He also has come to us several times and said 'I like to do this on set pieces. I'd like to do this when I'm in this parts of the field'. And so I like that he's assertive. I like that he's confident and we're going to use that to help us continue to find results as a team.

You mentioned about pieces. Dallas and Harrison over the ball quite a lot against Leicester - is that something which was specific to them or something that will cater to different teams in the league?

Well, we will come up with specific set piece plans for every opponent based on what they present and what their qualities are. And that's both defensively, offensively, throw-ins, in every aspect of the game. It's something we're introducing to the team and they're grasping well. I find it's not always exactly what you do with set pieces, but just the mentality that those moments in the game are important. So, you know, we created a plan today and the players attention to detail and then their execution on the pitch even from a training session was quite good. And then we also showed them in the game, how they, they were relatively successful with the things that we wanted to achieve offensively and defensively. So it's a good first sign for, for what we want to become as a set piece team. But a lot of it again is about the mentality and that these moments are important. So we'll keep working on that.

Are you looking forward to meeting the fans at Elland Road tomorrow?

Yes. So I've heard from multiple people around the league, friends of mine that are coaches at other teams and, and obviously from our players that this is, if not the best, one of the best environments and fan bases and most loud and energetic and supportive fan bases in the league. So, we need them in these two games, I think everybody in the city knows that we need them. Everybody in the city knows that we need points and results, and nobody wants to be satisfied with anything but being in the Premier League next year. So this is a group effort, man, you know, we have a one team city here and let's use it to make sure that we are creating momentum in our group and in our team so that we can achieve our goals.

Jesse Marsch will get his first taste of Elland Road (Robbie Jay Barratt - AMA/Getty Images)

When it comes to your line-up, how much will squad rotation play a part in what you do over an extended period of time?

I have a reputation for rotating, I think and giving players opportunities. I know that with the the demands that I put on the players physically that fresh legs are important as well as not overloading players in the team is important. I also like there to always be hunger in the team to know that if players are training well and performing well at any given moment that they are considered to be factors in what we need on on game day. So yes, and then it's just the answer is yes, about rotation. And then it's just about finding the balance of, of what to do and when and how it affects match plans and specific opponents. You know, and trying to without being too clever, make sure that we have a strong group and a full squad that's ready for every moment.

Somebody like Coutinho is in great form at the moment, would you set up specifically to counter somebody like him?

Yeah, we already discussed that, that this will be a focus of how we address the game, I think it's important to always identify what the strengths are of a team and what players make a difference. So certainly, everyone knows that Coutinho is a great player. And and I think that, you know, it'll be really important for us to make it tight for him, to not give him much room, to be aggressive with him. So clearly not an easy task, but not one that will be handled by one person, it'll be a group effort.

As you're learning about players and their characters, I guess you probably learned more after a defeat than anything else. So what did you make of their reaction and their morale at the moment?

Well, what you need [is] to be in 11 V 11 moments, to use those moments to get to know people more and to help them understand how they can develop and fit into the puzzle of what we're trying to create here. So whether it was a win or a loss, what I saw is an intelligent group that that is really committed to each other that wants to learn, that wants to try to achieve under the things that I'm trying to present them. I know that even when, again, if you talk about the huddle after the game, I could see by the looks on their faces, even in the last minutes of the game, that they want it so bad, right? So there's no lack of desire, or work ethic or commitment, that is all there at the highest level. And it's just for me to help shape, how to use those energies from a mentality perspective and a football perspective so that they can perform. And win, right? This is what they want more than anything, I think, again, the best way to keep the energy positive and the mood in the team strong is to get some points and get some wins. And then I think it will come together in a way that that we're all proud of.

Steven Gerrard described Coutinho as a level above, Jesse, and you're not an advocate of man-to-man marking, so it's gonna be interesting how you deal with a player like him?

Yeah, and, you know, he, he works for the team, but he's also clever about when to not commit so hard to some of his defensive responsibilities. So that when they when the ball turns over, he has energy and he can be in dangerous positions to be in, in the counter attack. We have to be very clever with that and and account for him at all moments. And then you know, I mean, I think, you know, Steven's right. He is a quality player that you know, for Villa to get their hands on him I think is a game changer and very helpful. And we need to make sure that we are aware of that and that we understand that and that he has a tough day.

You were speaking earlier about what you've been told about the atmosphere at Elland Road from other people. Did you know much about yourself before you arrived? Is that something you picked up?

Well, I yeah, I did see it and I heard it from people, this year that have been around it. And then I could probably even go back to my friends Mike Grella and Lloyd Sam, that were here when they were in the Championship, and they would talk about the energy behind the team. And the love they had to be in this city. So again, the part about people being incredibly positive with me, incredibly positive. I'm very thankful for that. And I want us to get some results and some wins, so that continues.

What's the best atmosphere you've experienced as a manager so far?

I mean, there's been a lot right, when we played in Liverpool in the Champions League, all the Champions League environments are outstanding. You know, I've been at a game at La Bombonera in Boca Juniors in Argentina, that's pretty incredible. I've been to a North London Derby. I've been to you know, I've been to a lot of Dortmund's an incredible stadium. What a great, great fan base they have. There's a lot. I mean, football is awesome. And the passion that people have for football is awesome. I'm really excited. I'm really excited for tomorrow.

Jesse, we're chatting about Patrick Bamford, you're conscious he broke down twice when he was nearly ready to return from injury. So you're conscious to be extra careful with him. So when you do get them back, he'll be available for a little more because you need him?

Yeah, like as I tried to explain for Leicester, it's always risk reward for me. And when we have a plan before the match, to stick with what we think players physically need and what they can offer us that it's really important that if we want our players to be disciplined that we can stay disciplined on the decisions we make, even when emotions in a match may make make us feel in a different way. So you know, what was so sad about the decision that was made, as I believe it was the right decision to put Tyler on the field. But then when he gets injured immediately, obviously, it's sad because Tyler now has to be out and picks up a serious injury. And then it doesn't allow us to push the game the way that we felt that we could, so you know that that didn't obviously feel good. But in the end, you have to, I think separate decision making from results and understand what was right and what was good and what was not.

I imagine you haven't come across Jack Harrison too much since since New York. Tell me about the player that you've inherited and the progress that he's made since the last time you saw him?

Yeah, well, so I spoke at one point about making contact with Victor Orta two years ago. Before that I had followed when I could see Leeds to see Jack right when we've had players from the US or MLS that have come over I've tried to see what their adaptation's been like and, and how they've grown. And, you know, I could say I could see that Jack had even when he was on loan, I think taken a lot of new responsibility here and developed a lot as a player and at the levels at which the Championship and the Premier League are, you could see that that he was getting better and better. Now getting to know him more. I mean, he was always the type of player that after the game was very respectful to the to the opponents' coach and win, shake my hand and say good game and I'd heard that he was a really good young man and it's clear to see and what I've tried to also say to him is, you know, 'it's okay to be a good young man and to be a son of a [expletive] on the pitch', you know, so he has such quality and my goal is to push him and his personality and his level of play on the field so that he can use all his strong qualities as a human being to benefit him to continue to grow as a player and become as dangerous and effective and as big a part of the game as I believe he can be, so that's every little player is a little different and what their qualities are and how I'm trying to help them move forward but but that's how I kind of quickly sum up what it's been like with Jack in the in the first week.

He thinks he's an especially good fit for what he has learned about your system. Both in terms of what he can do an offense and his his defensive energy. I mean, do you agree?

Yeah, listen, he can run all day. He is explosive, he's effective in one v one situations, he's dangerous, he's smart. And so I'm asking him to play a little bit different role than what he had played here is like more of a wide winger, I want them a little bit more to be an interior player at times and to be aggressive more in transition moments, but again, he's intelligent and understands how to apply himself and then I just want to give him the confidence to go out on the pitch and apply the the ideas of our football And to achieve.

Does that mean shooting more at times?

Maybe. I just think it's being more decisive and clear as to what the last actions can be. I think his application of that in the first game was very good and he was very dangerous in the first game, and he was unlucky not to come away with a goal or an assist. He'll get better and better.

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