Creative Community for Peace, which opposes a cultural boycott, argues that “unifying events such as singing competitions are crucial to help bridge our cultural divides” (Gene Simmons, Helen Mirren, Boy George sign open letter supporting Israel’s inclusion in Eurovision, 15 February). That being the case, Eurovision should include a Palestinian entrant; if it doesn’t, we will draw the obvious conclusion.
Douglas Currie
• In Lewisham, we also have fine work by William Mitchell (London mural by key postwar artist under threat of demolition, 15 February). Our two outdoor murals are in need of restoration, having been exposed to the elements for over 60 years, and we are fundraising. To help, email Foxboroughtra@gmail.com
John Keidan
Chair, Foxborough Gardens Tenants’ and Residents Association
• Your correspondent (Letters, 18 February) should ask her doctor for a different high blood pressure medication. When I saw that the one I was given should not be mixed with grapefruit, I asked for another so I could continue to enjoy my half grapefruit with coffee for breakfast.
Veronica Hardstaff
• Re the best year for film (Letters, 21 February), when my father was a few months old, in 1917, his mother and her sister took him to the church to be christened. On finding it closed, they took him to the cinema instead. I have always wondered which film they saw.
Val Kermode
• It’s a bit mean to include Angela Eagle but not her twin sister, Maria Eagle (Birthdays, 17 February).
Ian Dawson
Heywood, Lancashire
• Do you have a photograph you’d like to share with Guardian readers? If so, please click here to upload it. A selection will be published in our Readers’ best photographs galleries and in the print edition on Saturdays.