WE asked some of those involved with Europe For Scotland why this nation still matters to Europe – ahead of tonight’s livestream.
Below, in their own words, a number of Europeans answer that question.
Sebastian Virtosu, Romanian, cellist and Professor of Musicology, from Romania
EUROPE is indeed a big family and Scotland must not be excluded against its will to be part of the European Union. The EU means a communion of people and countries, and most important, the feeling that individuals and countries are not left alone but rather every one is important, every life matters.
But I joined Europe for Scotland not only because I truly believe in the European way for Scotland and other countries, but for the memory of Neva and James Buchanan, the lovely and generous Scottish family who have adopted a Romanian string quartet (Gaudeamus, I was the cellist and founder member) with love, care and spending many times at their residence, in the years 1995-1998 when we were in Aldeburgh, England.
Joanna Kopaczyk, Polish, senior lecturer in Scots and English at Glasgow Uni, originally from Poznan (Poland)
AS a Polish person, I’ve always felt great affinity with Scotland – we have so much in common and our historical links go back centuries in time. I feel privileged to be able to teach Scottish students about the linguistic history of their home country.
Sarah De Santis, Italian-Slovak, translator, from Rome (Italy)
SCOTLAND has a very special place in my heart. It’s where I got married, and it’s where I hope to see the undoing of Brexit.
Elise Tallaron, French, language teacher, lives in Edinburgh, from Rouen (Normandy, France)
I WORK in education and I know from experience how much Scotland has to offer the rest of the EU in terms of its approach to education, its innovative school practices and the focus on the health and wellbeing of its pupils. Pre-Brexit, I used to organise study visits to Scotland for Education stakeholders from across the EU under the Erasmus+ programme, now these doors are closed.
Anders Budde Christensen, Danish, actor, from Copenhagen (Denmark)
BEING a cultural worker from Scandinavia, I see a strong similarity and connection to the Scottish mentality, language and humour. I was fortunate enough to get to work in Scotland, touring with a play about a 18th-century Scottish explorer named Mungo Park, and fell head over heels in love with the people, with whom I feel a strong kinship.
Susanna Jans, German, actor and event manager, from Berlin (Germany)
I AM joining the campaign because most of the Scottish people voted to remain in the EU and experience disadvantages now on so many levels. Scotland has so much to offer and belongs back in the EU. My heart beats for this beautiful country because of my Scottish ancestry and also because of the stunning nature and the amazing people and their deep connection to history and traditions.”
Andrea Pisauro, Italian, researcher, originally from Rome (Italy) and joint co-ordinator of Europe for Scotland
WHEN I moved to Glasgow in 2015, I was welcomed with so much warmth and positive energy by Scottish people. I fell in love with the vibe of the cities and the rough beauty of the landscape and I am so grateful to Scotland for three amazing years I spent there.
As I see it, Scotland is an ancient European nation and it was reckless and disrespectful to take it out of the EU against its democratic will. I can’t wait to come back to an independent, European Scotland.
Jane MacKinnon, editor and translator, Scottish representative of the French Team of Europe for Scotland
AS a Scot living in France, joining Europe for Scotland was a way for me to feel both Scottish and European again. Both are in my DNA, and even since joining, I’m learning just how much our histories are intertwined.
Nina Jetter, German, translator, originally from Hamburg (Germany) and joint co-ordinator of Europe for Scotland
I WAS born in Germany, I live and work in the UK, my boyfriend is from Italy, and we have friends all over Europe. This makes me feel strongly about my European identity, and the democratic injustice of Scotland’s Brexit has lit a fire in me to do what I can to help my Scottish friends return to the EU.
I’m also convinced that the EU would be stronger and better with Scotland as a member. Scotland wouldn’t just bring fresh ideas and common sense to the table but also provide whisky and music for long nights of discussion. Could anyone ask for more?