An ethics complaint against Judge Marchand for a $35 donation to Democrats in 2020 was dismissed last July with a warning. While this development may be seized upon for political purposes, legal experts suggest it is unlikely to impact the case's outcome or create an appellate issue.
Legal professionals who have appeared before Judge Marchand affirm his fairness and impartiality in the courtroom. Despite the political implications of the dismissed complaint, it is noted that over 30 other judges also received similar warnings during the same period, indicating that the donation was not deemed a significant ethics violation.
Both Tim and Norm, who have firsthand experience with Judge Marchand, emphasize that the small donation should not be misconstrued as compromising the integrity of the ongoing trial. They attest to Judge Marchand's track record of making fair decisions, even when ruling in favor of President Trump and the defense.
Overall, while the dismissed ethics complaint may serve as a talking point in the political sphere, legal experts and individuals familiar with Judge Marchand's courtroom conduct maintain that it is unlikely to have a substantial impact on the trial proceedings or the judge's reputation for fairness.