This week we are taking on the Lidl "inflation buster" shopping menu to see if we can live off their list for seven days.
The "inflation buster" shopping list claims to "feed a family of four for just under €80."
Every day for seven days we are trying out the Lidl menu and reporting back on whether or not the "inflation buster" shop really can feed a family for a week.
Watch day 3 of our Lidl shopping challenge here
We are now on day 4 and we needed to do a top-up shop. Bread, milk, cheese, ham and yogurt all ran out so we headed back to Lidl for more supplies.
So unfortunately, the shopping list provided by Lidl did not keep our family going for a full week.
However, looking at the list again, if there was less meat like sausages and mince we may have been able to include more of our essentials in our weekly shop for under €80.
You can read the full shopping list here.
Here is today's menu:
Breakfast: Porridge with apples, cinnamon and a glass of orange juice
Lunch: Sausages, eggs, beans and waffles (no sausages for the vegetarian)
Dinner: Haddock, mash potato and veg
As usual the porridge kept us nice and full for the morning.

For lunch we were out of salads and needed to use up the last of the sausages. We fried them with eggs and heated up some beans. We also cooked waffles in the air fryer.
The only thing we didn't like were the waffles - they weren't that tasty.
Then for dinner we had some lovely haddock with carrots, turnip and the last of the potatoes which we made into a mash.
Overall we thought this dinner was delicious.

Watch how day 2 went of our Lidl shopping challenge here.
Find out how day 1 went of our Lidl shopping challenge here.
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