ESPN’s Don La Greca has been known to deliver a rant or two when he’s on the mic with Michael Kay’s New York show. There was one from a few years ago about the New York Giants’ offensive line and the time he was furious at his colleagues.
This time, the person he was directing his ire at was Giants O-lineman Evan Neal, who responded to fans booing him with this via New Jersey Advance Media: “Why would a lion concern himself with the opinion of a sheep? The person that’s commenting on my performance, what does he do? Flip hot dogs and hamburgers somewhere?”
Neal did apologize (see below) but before that, La Greca went OFF:
ICYMI: @DonLagreca had some thoughts on Neal's comments in the article below https://t.co/AnCourTJuT pic.twitter.com/PWlqMQ5rSg
— The Michael Kay Show (@TMKSESPN) October 4, 2023
— Evan Neal (@ENeal73) October 5, 2023
Wow. Quite the rant.