Digging Hobbit hole houses into the side of mountains in games like Minecraft is a survival genre tradition as old as time, and now, Enshrouded players are outdoing the competition with underground headquarters that rival the bowels of Moria.
For those lost in a Palworld-shaped pit these last few weeks, Enshrouded is the other survival indie hit that’s been doing massive numbers since its early access debut this month. Enshrouded sets itself apart with action roleplaying elements and a beautiful fantasy world that - if you squint a little - can easily cosplay as Middle-Earth.
To prove the similarities between the two, some players have been clawing out homes and home bases into the literal earth to live out their Hobbiton fantasies. The two Reddit posts down below show off quaint underground lodgings perfect for hairy-footed friends, though the second one is a little on the larger side for such small tenants.
My hobbit hole, absolutely love this game. from r/Enshrouded
3 player hideout inside a mountain from r/Enshrouded
This one, down below, is more fit for a hall full of noble dwarves, complete with regal rows of columns and a lavishly built main hallway. "The way the natural cave meets the architecture gives a lot of contrast," reads one comment. Well put.
We started with a small hobbit hole and it quickly got out of hand... from r/Enshrouded
And finally, the last underground base to gush over is this impossibly deep build that sees our adventurer leap into a hole that just keeps going. "Legit thought you were gonna land in the Skyrim intro," one commenter remarks. I thought it might lead to the fiery gates of hell or the ruins of Moria. Nope - it's just another cozy hideout for the gang.
Anyone else build underground bases? from r/Enshrouded
Elsewhere, one Enshrouded newcomer spent three whole hours clawing out their basement before realizing that an in-game tool could get it done immediately. I wonder how long the buildings above took to create.
For now, check out how to find amber in Enshrouded and how to craft a grappling hook for quick escapades.