With President's Day just around the corner, there are some spicy deals to be found on outdoor gear. Right now, you can snag yourself the Arc'teryx Thorium Down Hoody for just $400.93 at REI. That might still sound like a pricey jacket, but that's a persuasive $100 off the regular list price for this lightweight down jacket, which REI customers say offers "unmatched warmth."
Packed with 750-fill-power responsibly sourced gray goose down but tipping the scales at only around 1 lb, this jacket offers outstanding thermal performance for its weight. If you're worried about getting sweaty in cold weather, the brand's Down Composite Mapping strategically places breathable Coreloft synthetic insulation in areas where you're prone to moisture.
This deal applies to both men's and women's sizing in all colorways, but some size/color combinations have already sold out so we recommend you act fast to seal this deal.
Not in the US? Scroll down to the bottom of this article for today's best deals on Arc'teryx insulated jackets where you are.
The Bluesign-approved Thorium Hoody has a roomier fit and a longer length than its predecessor, the Thorium AR plus articulated patterning to help with unrestricted mobility and a high collar to block out more of the chill. It comes with its own stuff sack for easy packing.
If you're not in the US, here are today's best deals on Arc'teryx insulated jackets where you are: