The construction and operation of energy generation projects will always cause some negative environmental and social impacts.
True, but the scope and scale of those negative impacts will vary dramatically based on the type of project and its location—a point recently driven home by two different research papers. One examines the global footprint of wind and solar projects. The other, of which I am a co-author, examines the global footprint of hydropower.
In the scientific journal Global Sustainability, a team of scientists led by WWF examined the impact of proposed hydropower development on the world’s free-flowing rivers, which provide multiple values to people, ranging from fisheries to the sediment needed to maintain agriculturally crucial deltas. The team of scientists reported that development of planned hydropower dams would result in the loss of 260,000 kilometers of free-flowing rivers around the world.
That number may sound abstract, so here’s something perhaps more tangible: if all currently planned hydropower dams were built, they would fragment more than half (52%) of the remaining free-flowing big rivers in the tropics, including 61% of those in South America, 41% of those in Africa, and the only two free-flowing big tropical rivers in Asia (the Irrawaddy and Salween rivers).
For context, only one-third of the world’s biggest rivers—those over 1,000 kilometers in length—remain free-flowing today; hydropower dams are the primary reason that two-thirds of the world’s big rivers are no longer free-flowing.
The remaining big, free-flowing rivers are clustered in two places: the far north (Canada and Siberia) and in the tropics (primarily in the Amazon and Congo basins, where the two rivers, and many of their largest tributaries, remain free-flowing). The big rivers of the tropics support the greatest diversity of freshwater species and the greatest values to people, including the largest freshwater fisheries in the world (such as the Mekong and Irrawaddy rivers).
The recent WWF study found that dams with a total of just over 200 GW of hydropower capacity are proposed for free-flowing rivers, with 75 GW of that on the biggest rivers. This level of development on big rivers would generate less than 1% of the renewable electricity needed by 2050 to meet the 1.5 degree climate target – even as it would fragment more than half of the world’s remaining large tropical rivers, a dramatic loss of a globally important ecosystem type.
Researchers from The Nature Conservancy and the University of Minnesota also just released a study that gives insight on the global footprint of energy development. They examined a range of drivers of conversion of natural lands, including energy projects such as wind and solar, but also other major drivers such as agriculture, mining, and urbanization.
The researchers combined a range of projected expansions for each of the drivers and estimated a global total of 3.1 million km2 of land conversion – an area almost the size of India. The expansion of wind and solar PV was just 3% of the total, encompassing 94,000 km2., an area the size of Portugal.
Even if the drive for zero emissions increased the amount of wind and solar development by a factor of five (and fossil energy declined), renewables would still represent only about 20% of anticipated land conversions by 2050.
This is relatively small compared to other drivers, but conversion of natural lands the size of Portugal (or five Portugals) would still have substantial negative social and environmental impacts.
However, other research suggests that this level of wind and solar development does not need to require conversion of natural lands at all.
A 2019 study led by researchers at The Nature Conservancy (again, I was a co-author) reported that future wind and solar expansion could happen primarily on already developed lands, minimizing conflicts with other social and environmental resources. These “low impact” lands could include rooftops or the surface of reservoirs for solar panels or pastureland for wind. They estimated that there is enough potential wind and solar generation available on low-impact lands to meet the commitments under the Paris Agreement—17 times over.
Because commitments under the Paris Agreement are not sufficient to reach the 1.5 degree climate target, they also looked at the amount of generation needed to meet a scenario of 100% renewables by 2050 (including electrification of transportation and heating). Even this much larger requirement for wind and solar generation could be developed strictly on already developed land (these areas have 1.6 times as much generation potential as would be needed to meet the 100% renewable scenario).
To return to the opening statements – all forms of electricity generation projects will have some social and environmental impacts, but these will vary greatly by type of project and location.
Meeting the high majority of needed renewable generation from wind and solar would have a total land conversion footprint that is relatively small compared to other drivers of land-use change—and there are abundant places where wind and solar projects can be built with minimal conflicts with other resources.
In other words, while wind and solar projects will require careful planning and siting, there is plenty of opportunity to successfully do that.
On the other hand, meeting less than 1% of needed renewable generation by building new hydropower dams on large free-flowing rivers will fragment more than half of a vitally important ecosystem type: large tropical rivers that currently remain free-flowing.
Unlike wind and solar, there are not abundant places to site hydropower with minimal impacts. The levels of hydropower expansion envisioned in plans by the International Energy Agency and the International Renewable Energy Agency, and others, would require the 212 GW proposed for free-flowing rivers, and so these projections can only be met through damming of free-flowing rivers.
The changes in energy systems required to meet climate targets will necessarily entail negative impacts and tradeoffs with other objectives. Understanding the differences between technologies in terms of relative impacts, extent of tradeoffs, and potential for low-impact siting will be essential to meeting climate goals in the most sustainable way.