The Scottish Government recently announced changes to the eligibility criteria for Warmer Homes Scotland which could help around 110,000 more households struggling to stay warm and keep on top of energy bills access funding and support.
The scheme can help eligible homeowners and private tenants reduce heating bills by £300 per year and save energy with Scottish Government funded support worth around £5,000. To apply, people just need to contact Home Energy Scotland, who will check what support is available and if your household is eligible, they will then make a referral to Warmworks, the managing agent for Warmer Homes Scotland.
A recent Freedom of Information (FOI) request found that 5,315 applications were received by Home Energy Scotland between January and October last year. Of those, 3,741 were successful, 1,433 are still being processed and 141 were unsuccessful.
Changes to eligibility criteria last year now means that people aged 16 or over, with an eligible 'passport' benefit, can access energy-saving home improvements such as insulation and draught-proofing to help make their home easier to keep warm. Those aged 60 or over, with a 'passport' benefit, can access the full range of Warmer Homes Scotland support and people aged 75 or over, without a working heating system, no longer need to be in receipt of a benefit to access support.
The recent changes to disability benefits in Scotland also means that Warmer Homes Scotland’s list of eligible 'passport' benefits also includes Adult Disability Payment and Child Disability Payment. To access the scheme you must have lived in your home as your main residence for 12 months or more, the home must be assessed to be of poor energy performance, and it must meet the tolerable standard.
More than 29,000 households have benefited from the programme since 2015, bringing a total cost saving on energy bills of almost £8million. If you don’t meet the eligibility criteria for Warmer Homes Scotland, there may be other support available which Home Energy Scotland can explain to you. This includes the Scottish Government’s interest free loan and cashback, or an area-based scheme through the local authority.
Check if you qualify on the website here or call Warmer Homes Scotland on 0808 808 2282. Below is a quick overview of eligibility for the scheme, including the passport benefits and how to apply.
What is available through the programme?
The improvements offered will depend on a survey of your home. Assessors will come to your home to survey it and will recommend improvements which could include a range of insulation and heating.
In most cases all costs will be met by the Scottish Government, however, in some cases a customer contribution will be required for more expensive improvements, such as solid wall insulation.
An interest free loan is available to help meet the costs of the customer contribution - the loan is managed by Energy Saving Trust for the Scottish Government.
Potential improvements include:
- Wall insulation
- Loft insulation
- Draught-proofing
- Central heating - including new gas boilers
- Renewables
Who is eligible?
To qualify for Warmer Homes Scotland you must meet all of the following criteria:
- Be a homeowner or the tenant of a private-sector landlord
- Live in the home as your main residence
- Have lived there for at least 12 months
- Live in home with a poor energy rating - this will be assessed by a surveyor
- Live in a home that meets the tolerable living standard set out in the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006 or, where the home does not meet the tolerable living standard, this will not impact on the effectiveness of the measures recommended for installation under the scheme
- Householders must not have received support for energy efficiency improvements through Warmer Homes Scotland funding in the last five years
You must also meet one of the following conditions:
- Be 75 or over and have no working heating system
- Be 16 or over (working age) and be in receipt of a passport benefit or income-related benefit

Passport benefits
You must be receiving one of the following benefits listed below.
Disability benefits:
- Personal Independence Payment
- Adult Disability Payment
- Disability Living Allowance
- Child Disability Payment
- Armed Forces Independence Payment/ War Disablement Payment
- Industrial Injuries Payment
- Carer’s Allowance
- Attendance Allowance
Home Energy Scotland states that if your household receives the low or medium rate for Disability Living Allowance or Child Disability Payment you need to also have an income-related benefit to be eligible.
Income-related benefits:
- Council Tax benefit/reduction scheme - excluding 25% discount for single person or student
- Universal Credit
- Housing Benefit/allowance
- Income based Employment and Support Allowance
- Income based Job Seekers Allowance
- Income Support
- Pension Credit (guarantee element)
- Working Tax Credit
- Child Tax Credit
How to apply
Call Home Energy Scotland on 0808 808 2282 or use the contact form on the website here and someone will get back to you. Home Energy Scotland added that they will guide you through the complete process.
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