Emmerdale's Mack Boyd is under arrest in Monday's episode (ITV, 7.30pm see our TV Guide for full listings).
Following Caleb's mysterious near-fatal fall, he's in hospital in a coma.

The village is now a crime scene, and with most folk having a vendetta against the man – whose mission to take Home Farm from Kim Tate saw lives ruined – fingers are being pointed in all directions.

Will is desperately trying to get packed up and off to the airport with his wronged wife when detectives come calling, armed with questions.

Though the police leave satisfied by what they've heard, Kim demands to know what her husband isn't telling her.
Did Will try to kill Caleb for what he did to Kim and for trying to force his gay son Nicky to marry Gabby?

As Chas watches over her near-dead brother's bedside, she's worried that Cain is behind their sibling's demise. Given that Caleb ruined Moira's farming business, she knows Cain hates every bone in their sibling's body.

There's also Leyla, Caleb's on-off lover, who has a very sketchy story about what she was up the night Caleb was shoved.

But it's Mack who ends up being taken in.
Under questioning, he tries to play dumb but when Chloe's version of events fails to stack up with his tale, the dad is arrested.

Did his hatred for Caleb and jealousy over his hook up with Charity push Mack to attempt murder?
Elsewhere, Belle and Tom attempt to have a lunch date without Rishi, their third wheel, getting involved.

Emmerdale continues weeknights from 7.30pm on ITV see our TV Guide for full listings.