Emmerdale's Aaron puts a smile on Chas' face but other parents aren't so lucky in Monday's episode (ITV, 7.00pm, see our TV Guide for full listings).
At the Woolpack, Chas and Charity are throwing a party. The pub is packed with punters but there's just one person who's putting a smile on Chas' face – her son Aaron.
Seeing as mother and son have been at each other since Aaron returned to the village spoiling for a fight with anyone and everyone it's a huge step for the pair.

Can they kiss and make up?
The mood is high among the Dingles as they celebrate the engagement news. But as Belle soaks up the congratulations she's surprised to hear her fiancé Tom has already announced it on his socials.

Meanwhile, with so much love swilling around in the air, Sam's left missing Lydia more than ever and is given a huge squeeze by Mandy.

Marlon's heart sinks when hears the words he's been dreading as Rhona admits she's become deeply attached to Ivy. Will he comply when she asks him to help her make the baby become part of their family?

Over at the B&B, Nicola's party is in full swing and she wants the kids to help pass round food and drink. Jimmy's dispatched to track them down but when he fails to find them, Bob notices Wendy's car has gone.
Desperately hoping this has nothing to do with Cathy, Heath and Angelica, panicked Bob seeks out April who's forced to confirm it's true.

Knowing they're heading to a party in Hotten, Bob leaps into his car hoping to stop the joyriding teens before something terrible happens…
Will he succeed?
Emmerdale continues weeknights on ITV see our TV Guide for full listings.