Emmerdale 's Chas Dingle will be left mortified next week when she lets the ball slip amid her secret affair with Al Chapman.
The former pub landlady has had a lot on her mind lately after finding out that Faith's cancer has returned, but she's made things even more complicated for herself now.
On Thursday, soap fans watched in shock as Chas (Lucy Pargeter) shared a passionate kiss with her former arch enemy Al (Michael Wildman).
And during Friday night's episode, the pair were seen making plans to meet up again - with Chas' husband Paddy (Dominic Brunt) being none the wiser.

Now, a new ITV spoiler clip has revealed that Chas is stunned next week when she realises she has forgotten her own husband's birthday.
The clip begins with Chas looking at her mobile phone as she contemplates blocking Al's number.
As Eric and Brenda enter the pub, they have a brief chat with Chas about Faith as she sits nearby listening to an audio book.

Taking her headphones out, Faith then announces: "So anyway, what are we doing for Paddy's birthday hey? Do you need me to jump out of a cake?"
Looking flabbergasted, Chas admits: "I hadn't even thought... a family meal maybe?"
"Oh come on, that's a bit boring! That man's been our rock lately, he deserves a bit of fun, we all do!" Faith replies as Chas squirms.

Trying to look more excited, she then says: "Yeah we should have a proper knees up, let's spoil him rotten!"
After tuning into Friday's episode of Emmerdale, fans were left fearing for 'poor' Paddy and the fact that he will be left heartbroken if Chas continues seeing Al.
Got any theories or thoughts on the storyline? Let us know in the comments section below
Emmerdale airs weeknights at 7:30pm on ITV, with an hour-long episode on Thursdays.