Emmerdale's suspicious Charity Dingle has spotted the signs of abuse in Monday's episode (ITV, 7.30pm - subject to change due to the football), see our TV Guide for full listings).
No stranger to toxic relationships and abusive situations, Charity Dingle has started to notice signs that something is up with Belle.
The once bubbly Dingle has become more and more withdrawn but so far, none of her family know why, that her husband Tom is controlling her, abusing her and monitoring her every move.

Taking her worries to Chas, Mandy and Lydia, concerned Charity organises a girly night hoping to get Belle talking.
But the plan backfires when the women's questions overwhelm Belle who rushes out.
Following her, Charity finds Belle outside, crying. Trying again to get her talking, Charity gently urges her to open up and share her problems.
Belle's about to speak up when she notices Tom coming and shoves Charity away.

To Charity's astonishment, Tom then turns on her and acidly warns her to stay away from his wife.
Returning to the girls, Charity tells them what has happened, convinced Tom's nastiness is a huge red flag. But to her frustration no one else agrees with her.
Will Charity continue to pursue her hunch? We'd better hope so as back at Dale Head, Tom's chasing a lead on a new job in a remote village in Wales…
Can Charity stop Tom from taking Belle away from Emmerdale?

Emmerdale continues weeknights from 7.30pm on ITV see our TV Guide for full listings. The week's episodes are subject to scheduling changes because of the football.