Emmerdale fans are convinced Kim Tate will commit a double murder on her wedding day.
Bosses for the ITV soap have teased a huge storm will strike the village just in time for Kim and Will's big day, but now fans of the show are convinced Kim will turn on Harriet and Will and see to the end of her love rival once for all.
At the end of tonight's episode, Kim was there and overheard Will's conversation with Harriet as she admitted she still loved him.
Ahead of her big day, Kim has been growing suspicious about Harriet and Will and with it now confirmed that Harriet likes him, fans of the soap are convinced Kim will murder them.

During tonight's episode, Harriet decided not to go to Will and Kim's wedding, as she is still in love with her ex. He agreed to meet up with her, but insisted he would be staying with Kim.
They shared a kiss - initiated by Harriet - whilst Kim listened in from nearby and heard every word they said to one another.
Now, fans are sure she will see to the end of Harriet and Will for good.
One fan predicted: "Kim’ll kill you Harriet #Emmerdale," as another suggested: "Kim's just heard Will and Harriet's conversation - they are so screwed, and they both need to be careful; cause Kim will literally be out for blood. #Emmerdale."

"Kim ain't dumb, she knows something is up. Harriet, Kim told you she was God, now feel her wrath. #emmerdale," another penned, as a fourth shared: " #Emmerdale Every man Kim has been involved with has ended up dead. When Cain finds out about Al & Chas, Cain will murder Al. And when Kim finds out about Will and Harriet, Will is a gonner!"
Elsewhere, in tonight's episode, following Faith Dingle's heartbreaking death, Cain mourned his loss as he confirmed to Moira and Paddy that she had passed away.
Chas, away in a hotel with her lover Al, picked up her phone to find tens of missed calls from Paddy and rushed home. However, she was too late and when she got back, she realised things weren't right.

Her tearful family confirmed to her that Faith had passed. Refusing to believe it, Chas rushed upstairs to see Faith but as she opened the door, she knew she was gone and broke down in tears. She started to feel guilt over where she was when her mum passed away.
As the formalities began, and Cain and Moira called Liam to confirm the death, the doctor soon realised Faith had taken her own life. He decided not to report it as such and insisted a post mortem was not necessary.
However, there was anger once he left as Cain argued with Moira over her decision to keep Faith's plan from him.