The Pataky/Hemsworth family seems to live a life of fun adventure between going on a camping trip that apparently involved kangaroo wrestling and going surfing at home in Australia. That fun continued on Elsa Pataky and Chris Hemsworths’ twins’ birthday as their mom pushed one of the kid’s faces into the cake, because according to the Thor actor, it's the only way to eat cake in their household. However, while many found this little moment hilarious, not everyone thought it was all in good fun.
As Tristan and Sasha celebrated their ninth birthday their parents decided that the best way to eat their birthday cake, was by having their faces smashed in it. Hemsworth posted a photo on Instagram of Pataky smashing one of the twins’ faces into a cake, while the Extraction star and the rest of their kids watched it happen with amused looks on their faces. Then, in the caption, he noted that the only way to eat cake in their household is to “have mum slam your head into it face first!!”
While many thought the photo was very funny, and a fun tradition, there were also some critics in the comments. Some people thought doing this was not funny at all, and didn’t really understand why the Hemsworth/Pataky household does this on their kids’ birthdays. For example, alidellcase commented:
Why people smash their kid’s face in the cake is above my understanding but whatever
There were a few other concerned commenters who didn’t approve of the face cake moment too, like these people:
- 🎂🎉🇳🇴🎂🎉🇳🇴 -thurill
- whhhyyyyy do people think this is funny -moseymaisey
Other commenters, like lorysesj, were more concerned about the cake being wasted rather than the kid getting his face put in it – which is also my big concern here. Meanwhile, others thought it was hilarious that Pataky got to smash her kid’s face into a cake, like coastalhamtonstyle, who posted:
Happy Birthday to your kids 🎂, 8 is a fabulous age….to get your face slammed into a chocolate cake 😆.
While the post had its critics, many still thought it was funny, and posted “happy birthday” to the kiddos, while also getting a good laugh out of Hemsworth and Patakys’ actions:
- That is a proud dad stance right there - shaimitchell_46
- 😂 It's one of the simple pleasures of motherhood!! - ann.r.davis.5
Based on the fact that everyone is smiling and laughing in the photo, I’d assume the kid whose face is in the cake is also having a good time. And as long as everyone is having fun, that’s all that matters.
This isn’t the first time Hemsworth has taken to Instagram to celebrate his twins. For their eighth birthday, instead of a face cake post, the actor uploaded a throwback of his kiddos both dressed as Thor, and it was adorable. But, the hilarious love for his family doesn’t stop there, as the Thor: Love and Thunder star has also posted many times about his other kids and his wife. He celebrated her movie being No. 1 on Netflix, had fun on the holidays with his fam with some amazing views, and took to IG to show the world what he and Pataky will look like in 45 years. Overall, this cake-smashing moment is so fitting for this family, and it looks like they were all having a blast celebrating the twins’ big day with an unconventional cake-eating method.
Along with this fun familial moment (that some people didn’t love), Hemsworth’s Instagram is also home to lots of great content based around his family and his latest films. So, make sure to keep your eye on it for more A+ photos involving his three kiddos and Elsa Pataky, as well as posts about his upcoming projects on the 2023 movie schedule.