Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, caused something of a stir at the annual Air Force Association’s Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando, Florida. During an informal ‘fireside chat’ with Lt. Gen. John Thompson of Space Command on Friday, Musk told a room packed with fighter pilots that “the fighter jet era has passed.” Now, Musk is renowned for finding soundbites for the media to hook onto, and also of causing calculated disruption in his target audience, but even by his standards this is a well-baited line. What makes this such a bold and controversial statement?
Primarily because the fish is so big.
You’ll know if you’ve ever met a fighter pilot. Why? Because within 30 seconds of that first, firm handshake they’ll have told you – most simply can’t help it. ‘Fighter Pilot’ isn’t just a job description, it’s a mindset, a way of life and, in an age of information, cyber and technology warfare, one of the few mano e mano combat opportunities left. Ever since fighter pilots burst into the collective consciousness during the First World War, with tales of derring-do by Manfred Von Richtofen (‘The Red Baron’), Edward ‘Mick’ Mannock, Billy Bishop and Eddie Rickenbacker among others, they have been lionized by the media and society as the successors to the knights of old on the battlefield, custodians of the gladiator spirit and the last bastion of chivalry. In short, fighter pilots are one of the last manifestations of ancient DNA code designed to make split-second life or death decisions, often with ‘winner takes all’ consequences. ‘Top Gun’ just codified it…..
It’s why governments around the world invest small fortunes in the selection process for would-be fighter pilots. Traditionally they have looked for certain personality, mental and physical characteristics. In terms of personality, a ‘stable-extrovert’ is normally stated as the ideal personality type, whilst superior eyesight, cardiovascular fitness and eye-hand coordination have always been seen as key discriminators. In terms of mental agility, the ability to multi-task, conduct swift and accurate mental math and rapidly problem solve are all desirable attributes. Therefore, just selecting your tyro fighter pilots is expensive – let alone the eye watering cost of training them and keeping them ‘match fit’ with regular flying in realistic and challenging scenarios.
And this is part of the problem.
Increasingly, the future battle space is being defined as one where ‘Thinkers,’ not ‘Fighters’ will be the prized assets. It’s as if thousands of years or evolution is being turned on its head, as the ‘hunter gatherers’ are no longer the most important members of the tribe. Survival is increasingly being led by brains not brawn. Whilst it’s not as glamorous as donning a white scarf and goggles, tapping away on a keyboard is now one of the most fundamental skills on the modern battlefield. Cyber and techno warfare are increasingly important; they can confuse, disorientate and unhinge one’s opponent – and do it at a breathless tempo.
So far, most traditional military capabilities have survived the onslaught – but for how much longer?
The first ‘combat indicator’ I sensed that the tectonic plates of military thinking were shifting (and as I discuss in this article, they don’t move quickly) was the appearance of Singer and Cole’s ‘Ghost Fleet’ on senior commanders’ reading lists for their junior officers. In many ways ‘Ghost Fleet’ is the ‘Red Storm Rising’ of the 21st century; it seems informed, frightening, and completely credible.
The problem the military has is that there is stiff competition for would-be cyber warriors — the big tech and audit companies are competing hard for bright young minds – and for many, the restrictions, rigours and remuneration of military life will not be appealing. Whilst there are still thousands of wannabe fighter pilots out there, increasingly the skill set the military needs to succeed is becoming harder to find, and the task of today’s F-35 pilot is almost completely different to that which confronted an F-4 Phantom pilot in the 1970s.
Back then, the aircraft were hard to fly, requiring ‘stick and rudder’ aptitude to do so successfully, whilst releasing enough capacity to ‘fight’ the platform. The advent of sophisticated computer aided design techniques and advanced flight control systems have reversed this situation. By comparison, a Generation 4.5 or Generation 5 jet is easier to fly; they have stall/spin prevention algorithms, haptic feedback when limits are being reached and flight control computers that turn control demands into action under an umbrella of protection.
The contemporary battlefield is far more networked, complex, congested and lethal – it’s those that adapt that will survive. Simply being ‘a good stick’ will rapidly no longer cut it in the hostile skies of the future.
Musk’s main thrust is, however, that the human in the cockpit is the limiting factor in air combat now, not the advantage.
Firstly, humans are awkward for aircraft designers to accommodate. In a modern fighter the pilot sits on an ejection seat for emergency escape, needs an oxygen supply and air-conditioning to function at extremes of temperature and altitude, and requires flight controls and instruments to fly and fight the machine. All of these add a significant amount of weight and cost into the aircraft. Moreover, having a transparent canopy to permit the crew to see out does little to improve signature management as radar cross section and the chances of reflected sun glint all increase. The human also adds more weight, especially when encumbered with flight kit such as helmet, NVGs, g-suit and flight planning and survival equipment. Traditionally, pilots sit toward the front of the aircraft to afford them the best view for take-off and landing, as well as air combat. This has implications on aerodynamics, stealth design and weight distribution factors.
In short, it can make the designers life a lot simpler if the pilot/crew are not in the aircraft. Increasingly, the human in the machine is the most limiting factor.
Aircraft performance has increased dramatically since the canvas, wood and wire biplanes that Von Richtofen and Rickenbacker sought battle in. With the move to metal construction and improvements in engine technology came the first of several physiological barriers to keeping the human in the fight – ‘g’ tolerance. By the end of the Second World War, fighter pilots were routinely suffering from ‘G-LOC” (‘G’ induced Loss of Consciousness) as the stresses of high-speed dogfights caused blood to pool in their legs, depriving the brain and other organs of a supply of oxygenated blood. In the worst case, G-LOC would cause the pilot to crash if he didn’t regain consciousness before impacting the ground. One of the key advantages USAAF P-51 Mustang pilots had towards the end of the war was a rudimentary ‘g-suit’ where auto-inflating over trousers squeezed blood back up into the abdomen, improving ‘g’ tolerance by about 1’g’. Such ‘g’ trousers became standard issue in the decades that followed as the proliferation of high-performance jet fighters enabled combat to be sustained at far higher ‘g’ factors than hitherto possible.
The 1980 and ‘90s were a turning point in aircraft design and material science. Gen 4 fighters such as the F-15 and F-16 put their pilots at the limit of what was tolerable, even with a g-suit. More modern fighters such as the Typhoon have a full body g-suit to eke out an extra ‘g’ of usability, but the simple fact is that aircraft design, engine technology and the use of advanced composite materials now mean that designs capable of 15-20 ‘g’ manoeuvres are now possible – most current manned platforms are realistically limited to 8-10g. Therefore, in terms of pure maneuverability, the manned fighter has hit a physiological ‘brick wall’ where the safety of the pilot can no longer be guaranteed.
Advantage Drone?
Much will depend on how the Drone is controlled. Many so-called ‘Drones,’ such as the Predator and Reaper, are not ‘drones’ at all – they are more accurately described as Remotely Piloted Air Systems (RPAS). They are flown and operated by humans in cockpits; it’s just that the cockpits are physically dislocated from the airframe. During the mission phase of the flight, the RPAS can be flown, via satellite links, from a different hemisphere. The latency in such links is adjudged suitable for ISR platforms where a couple of seconds is not critical. RPAS, however, are normally launched and recovered via a line of sight element, who need to be physically close to the aircraft for these critical phases as the satellite communications latency (the amount of time it takes data to make a round trip) is too much and the risk of a pilot-induced oscillation and crashing is considered too high.
The need for a link and the inherent latency in the control system are two big arguments against RPAS being used as air-to-air combat platforms. Firstly, the link itself will be vulnerable to attack. It might be jammed in the local airspace or, ultimately, denied in space by physical or electromagnetic destruction of the relay satellites. Secondly, in air combat terms, the circa 2 seconds latency that the Predator/Reaper RPAS currently deal with is potentially unacceptable. Air Combat, in the words of John Boyd, is a series of ‘fast transients’ using sensing, manoeuvre, tempo and kill mechanisms to operate ‘inside’ your enemies’ physical and mental space. Whilst a high-performance RPAS would undoubtedly have a manoeuvre advantage over a manned opponent, would it be enough to overcome a few seconds of delay? I’ve only instructed helicopter air-air combat (which is probably best described as ‘slow transients’!) but even turning hard at 80-100kts that 2 seconds can be fundamental to who wins and who loses.
Supporters of RPAS will point out that their pilot will not be suffering the physiological damage and fatigue of prolonged high-g manoeuvres, nor will they be restricted by canopy/airframe obscuration, nor inconvenienced by flight helmets and survival equipment. Whether the absence of ‘skin in the game’ in air combat makes a tangible difference when going ‘fangs out’ remains to be seen.
Perhaps the solution then, as Musk suggests, is Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Cutting the tether of the link would free the Drone from the shackles of telemetry, but it would need to be sufficiently ‘smart’ to think and act for itself. Undoubtedly, it will have a manoeuvre and (lack of) emotional edge. However, society and commanders have to ready themselves for letting a machine fly off with a full weapons load and a hunting licence, albeit one constrained by hard lines within Rules of Engagement parameters. In some cases, it could be argued, the lack of ‘grey’ is actually safer – the room for an error caused by fatigue and fear for example will be significantly reduced, but will this also cause less efficiency as, sometimes, it takes the ‘man in the loop’ to weigh and assess the nuances of the situation he/she is presented with. In air combat terms, the Drone will be ruthlessly efficient in energy management and weapons employment, but it’s programming will only be as good as those that programmed it – sometimes air combat is more about ‘gut feeling’ than ‘brain’ and I’m not yet sure that AI can yet cope with the ‘art’ of air combat, regardless of how well equipped it is to exploit the ‘science.’
The solution in the short term will undoubtedly be a compromise. Several initiatives are under way to provide a semi-autonomous ‘wingman’ to fast jet aircraft. In the U.S., the Kratos Defense X-58A ‘Valkyrie’ program is underway, seeking to demonstrate the utility of a UAV that can bolster combat mass (potentially saturating enemy defences), decoy/confuse the opposition, deliver weapons and assist the manned platform in completing its mission and returning home. Similar programs are underway in Australia (the Boeing ‘Loyal Wingman’ project) and in the U.K., the Lightweight Affordable Novel Combat Aircraft (LANCA) program has started issuing contracts, under the aegis of Project Mosquito, for the development of UCAV ‘wingmen’ for the RAF’s fleet of Typhoon and F-35 aircraft.
In sum then, is Musk right? Invariably he is, and I think he is here, but his timescale is likely to be optimistic. The next evolution is the ‘Loyal Wingman’ and ever-closer ‘Manned – Unmanned Teaming’ (MUM-T) protocols. Not only will these assuage bruised fighter pilot egos (contrary to popular belief, fighter pilots do have feelings…it’s just that normally nobody else is involved) but, joking aside, it will give the space and time for the Machine Learning part of the puzzle to mature and for the gradual realisation and acceptance that many of the roles played by manned fighters may be going the way of the battleship.
By way of illustration, the first computer chess program to beat a novice human player, MANIAC, did so in the mid 1950s. It wasn’t until the 1980s that technology, programming and learning had developed sufficiently for a computer to beat a human Chess Master in tournament play. I see the maturation of the drone in air combat following a similar path: against poorly trained and equipped enemies the Drone will exploit its advantages fully and quickly. Against the best human ‘players’ (Air Force Weapons School ‘patch wearers,’ Weapons and Tactics Instructors and Qualified Weapons Instructors) it will likely take considerably longer.