Elon Musk recently announced on social media that Tesla has significantly raised the design goals for the highly anticipated new Tesla Roadster. The updated benchmarks include an astonishing acceleration from 0 to 60 mph in less than one second, which would set a new world record in the automotive industry.
According to the CEO of Bugatti Rimac, these ambitious acceleration figures are technically feasible. Rimac, known for the electric sports car Nevera, which currently holds the 0 to 60 acceleration record at 1.71 seconds, mentioned that achieving such rapid acceleration is possible with thrusters. However, he pointed out potential drawbacks, such as the additional weight and equipment required for such a system.
Rimac dismissed alternative acceleration methods like suction fan technology as impractical for the Roadster due to its weight and the substantial equipment needed. Despite not providing specific details on how the Roadster would surpass Rimac's record, Musk emphasized that acceleration was not the most interesting aspect of the vehicle.
Previously, the Tesla Roadster was advertised to reach 60 mph in 1.9 seconds, a figure still displayed on Tesla's website. Musk confirmed that the production design for the second-generation Roadster is finalized, with plans to unveil the vehicle officially by the end of the year. Tesla aims to commence shipping the first production models in 2025.
Musk expressed confidence in the Roadster's potential, stating that it could deliver an unparalleled product demonstration. This announcement follows previous instances where Tesla faced criticism for discrepancies between initial specifications and the final product, as seen with the Cybertruck last year.