Elon Musk has said he lost 20 pounds with the controversial intermittent fasting diet.
The 51-year-old business magnate highlighted his daily diet and how much “healthier” he’s felt through fasting via Twitter on Sunday.
“On advice of a good friend, I’ve been fasting periodically & feel healthier,” he wrote.
“The Zero fasting app is quite good,” he added, referencing an app that focuses on intermittent fasting as a way to lose weight and better one’s metabolic health. The app also helps manage “personalised insights” and “goal-based fasting plans”.
When asked how much weight he’s lost, Musk said: “Over 20 lbs down from my (unhealthy) peak weight.”
According to John Hopkins Medicine, intermittent fasting is when someone only eats during a specific time of the day. For example, one plan can consist of “eating only during an eight-hour period each day” and then fasting for the rest of the day.
While intermittent fasting is often used to burn fat, researchers found that it can also benefit physical performance, thinking, and heart health.
However, the medical site also stresses that people should speak with their primary care practitioner before trying this diet, as it isn’t recommended for some people, including those with diabetes or blood sugar problems and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Some side effects of it can also include anxiety, headaches, or nausea, which people should speak to their doctors about.
Regarding other parts of his routine, when asked on Twitter if he “worked out,” Musk responded: “Yeah, I lift a little…”
In response to his weight loss, many people on Twitter shared their thoughts about intermittent fasting and concerns about maintaining a healthy weight during it.
“Just make sure the loss isn’t too fast and look for deficiency signs like hyperactivity and such,” one person told the Tesla Ceo. Juicing is a great way to stay light and get what we need for nutrients. Fast helps detox and start new but i don’t believe it should be done long term.”
However, other Twitter users congratulated Musk on his weight loss and shared some of their own tips when fasting.
“Good job! Keep it up. In my experience it also helps to have an off day once in a while, helps the system to reset once in a while,” one wrote. “Also: One will hit a plateau on occasion which can be frustrating, but it’s just part of the process.”
This isn’t Musk’s first time speaking about his eating an exercise habits. During an appearance on the Full Send podcast earlier this month, the SpaceX founder said that while he didn’t enjoy working out, he had to do it and “be in better shape”.
He also opened up about the changes he planned to make to his morning routine, adding: “I’m gonna switch from looking at my phone first thing when I wake up to working out for at least 20 minutes then looking at my phone.”