74-year-old bestselling author and dietitian Maye Musk shared that her son Elon Musk — Tesla Inc. (NASDAQ:TSLA) CEO and the world's richest person — gave her investment advice when he was just 14-years-old.
What Happened: In a Sunday tweet, Maye Musk addressed her son directly and recalled that when he was 14, he "asked me to buy stock in a company you really believed in."
Her broker advised her against investing in the stock in question, so she only bought about $1,000 worth of it, which was as much as she "was willing to lose."
Maye Musk's tweet fails to mention which stock it was, or how the investment ended up doing in the long run — so it's not known whether Elon Musk made the right call.
Those comments follow her recent tweets sharing that she invested in a stock for the first time over five decades ago, using the money she won in a beauty competition — this investment later paid for Elon Musk's move to Canada.
Photo: Courtesy of OnInnovation on Flickr