The ManningCast got a surprise visitor during its Baltimore Ravens-Tampa Bay Buccaneers broadcast.
As Eli Manning was running a drill for the viewers at home with instructions from Peyton Manning, the former’s golden retriever Hank decided to crash the broadcast for some playtime.
Hank is a very, very good boy, and he should be allowed to crash the ManningCast whenever he wants.
He did a wonderful job being a very good boy on the show, and we hope Eli Manning gave him lots of cookies and belly scratches after his surprise television appearance.
Honestly, let’s just bring out as many dogs as possible on all football broadcasts from here on out. This is the way.
Eli Manning's pocket movement drill is interrupted by a dog. #ManningCast #MNF pic.twitter.com/mE5uzXI4Lz
— Awful Announcing (@awfulannouncing) October 22, 2024
Feature image courtesy of ESPN.