A woman was pinned down by the full body weight of her partner in one of two nasty assaults. Self-employed electrician Clint Bush had a relationship for four years with the victim - but the romance broke down due to his infidelity, Nottingham Crown Court heard on Thursday (May 4).
The couple separated and got back together - but things remained difficult. He left her bruised after pinning her down with his body on April 18 last year.
Bush also threw a candlestick at her during the incident. She telephoned one of her daughters to get her out of the house.
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Last July, he assaulted her again at his parent's house. He dragged her across the floor and down stars. He went on to drag her outside and kick her before storming off screaming and shouting.
The court heard about pictures of her injuries, including a carpet burn and bruising. She said in a statement: "The physical marks have gone, but the emotional and mental scars are still very much there".
By September last year, Bush had ripped an alarm off a wall at her home and had thrown a rockery stone at the door, which led to his arrest. He was sentenced on Thursday (May 4), receiving a prison term amounting to two-and-a-half years.
He was convicted of one assault, causing bodily harm, using violence to secure entry to premises and criminal damage at Derby Justice Centre. He later pleaded guilty to the second assault after originally opting for a trial by jury.
He pleaded guilty to this charge on the basis he pinned her down with his whole body weight, causing all the injuries, but denied strangling her, which the prosecution accepted.
Judge Stuart Rafferty KC made a restraining order for ten years to protect the partner. The judge said Bush descended into drink and drug abuse to an extent Bush said he did not remember the things he did to her.
Bush, 42, of Pool Close, Pinxton, was said to be remorseful for his behaviour.
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