As of June 25, Ballotpedia has tracked 185 election-related bills in the New York State Assembly since the beginning of the year. Of the 185, Ballotpedia tracked two from June 19-25. Democrats sponsored both bills. The bills are:
NY A07783: Relates to recounts of election votes, Assembly Member Jo Anne Simon (D).
- As introduced, this bill:
- Specifies circumstances under which an additional, full recount of all votes cast in an election must occur, and provides that in certain cases when a losing candidate requests the recount, the recount will be conducted at the candidate’s expense, unless certain results or ballot images are found, and completed within five days of the request.
- Provides that any voter may request to initiate an additional, full recount in specified municipal elections and clarifies the required conditions.
- Directs that a recount request must be made within five days of the completion of the original recount.
- Requires public notification of the recount.
- Prohibits a candidate from participating in or supervising the recount, but allows the candidate to observe the recount.
NY A07784: Authorizes online facilitation of voter registration, Assembly Member Jo Anne Simon (D).
- As introduced, this bill:
- Requires the state board of elections to provide a secure website and mobile application allowing a qualified individual to register to vote or update their registration confidentially.
- Requires the website and mobile application to provide deadlines and timeframes for registering.
- Specifies signature acceptance requirements for the website and mobile application.
- Requires the annual report sent to the state board of elections to include data on website and mobile voter registration.
During the week of June 19-25, Ballotpedia tracked five House election-related bills nationally. As of June 25, Ballotpedia has tracked 1,435 House bills nationally. Ballotpedia tracked the most House bills this year in the Texas House of Representatives with 188, while Ballotpedia tracked the fewest House bills in the Massachusetts House of Representatives with one.

As of June 25, Ballotpedia has tracked 632 House bills in Democratic trifectas and 625 House bills in Republican trifectas. A trifecta is when one political party holds the governorship and majorities in both chambers of the state legislature. Ballotpedia has tracked 178 House bills in states where neither party holds trifecta control.
The New York Assembly was scheduled to be in regular session from Jan. 4 to June 8 this year. In 2022, Ballotpedia tracked 226 House bills related to election administration. Seven of these bills passed both chambers and five were enacted into law. New York is a Democratic trifecta.
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