As of March 26, Ballotpedia has tracked 13 election-related bills in the Florida State Senate since the beginning of the year. Of the 13, Ballotpedia tracked one from March 20-26. Republicans sponsored the bill. The bill is:
FL S0620: Ethics Requirements for Officers and Employees of Special Tax Districts, Sens. Nick DiCeglie (R) and Clay Yarborough (R).
- A summary has not been provided yet.
During the week of March 20-26, Ballotpedia tracked 50 Senate election-related bills nationally. As of March 26, Ballotpedia has tracked 770 Senate bills nationally. Ballotpedia tracked the most Senate bills this year in the New York State Senate with 125, while Ballotpedia tracked the fewest Senate bills in Louisiana and Massachusetts with zero. Republicans sponsored 367 of these bills, while Democrats sponsored 311. Minor party sponsorship and bills with no sponsors accounted for 67 bills, while bipartisan legislators sponsored 25.
As of March 26, Ballotpedia has tracked 382 Senate bills in Democratic trifectas and 301 Senate bills in Republican trifectas. A trifecta is when one political party holds the governorship and majorities in both chambers of the state legislature. Ballotpedia has tracked 87 Senate bills in states where neither party holds trifecta control.
The Florida Senate is scheduled to be in session from March 7 to May 5 this year. In 2022, Ballotpedia tracked 16 Senate bills related to election administration. Four of these bills passed both chambers and three were enacted into law. Florida is a Republican trifecta.
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