For the first time, Eastern Kentucky University will be offering an online elementary education degree program. Classes begin in August. Dr. Nicola Mason is the chair of E-K-U’s Department of Teaching, Learning, and Educational Leadership. She said the program is another way to meet the needs of aspiring teachers – and school districts.
“We have a teacher shortage. And EKU is trying to address that in many different ways. We spend a lot of time with our school partners with teachers, principals, and superintendents listening to their immediate needs, and those change over time.”
Mason said in the aftermath of COVID, E-K-U sees a greater need for special education, English language and STEM teachers. She said lessons learned during the pandemic will be put in place for the new online elementary education program.
“It forced us to be nimble. It forced us to adapt our instruction and to find innovative, innovative ways to use technology in meaningful learning environments. And I would say that today, our faculty are more equipped to deliver exceptional online instruction than they ever have before.”
Mason said presently, the program is limited to students in Kentucky, Ohio, Missouri, West Virginia, Tennessee, Illinois and Virginia, but E-K-U is looking for new partner states.
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