It was on Mother’s Day recently when Ekta Kapoor shared a family photo on social media that had her father, mother, brother and nephew, and it made everyone wonder why was Ekta’s son, Ravie missing from the picture. Though both Ekta and her brother, Tusshar Kapoor, have posted baby Ravie’s pictures earlier, they have always refrained from showing his face.
“It is a conscious decision to keep baby Ravie’s picture under wraps; he is too small right now. We are a little conservative when it comes to flashing baby’s picture in the media,” says Tusshar, quickly adding that the family feels, “it would be more appropriate to share his pictures in public once Ravie turns a year old or above.”
While Tusshar is quite okay with the idea of sharing his son, Laksshay’s pictures, about Ravie, he maintains, “We just don’t feel comfortable exposing him to the world this early because once the pictures are out, it becomes viral and grabs a lot of eyeballs and comments.”
Asked how his three-year-old son, who was also born through surrogacy, bonds with the four-month-old Ravie, the Golmaal Again actor gushes, “Laksshay is very fond of Ravie and calls him ‘chota bhai’. But when he sees me holding Ravie in my arms, Laksshay feels a little jealous like any other kid (laughs). Ravie gets excited when he see us around and has started recognising. It’s going to be fun.”
While Tusshar asserts that with Laksshay and Ravie coming in their life, “the family is complete now,” he is often asked if he plans to have a second baby anytime soon. The 42-year-old actor shares, “I don’t know if I would be having two kids because raising a child is a huge responsibility and I think one kid is enough for me.”
Though Tusshar became a parent much before Ekta and learnt a lot about parenting from reading books, he says, Ekta has watched him bringing up Laksshay and has taken little bit of parenting tips as well. She knows exactly how to bring up Ravie. With me and our mom around, she doesn’t really need guidance as such but I often tell her to be strict with her decisions for the kids.”
Calling himself as a hands-on father, Tusshar goes on to share the biggest learning he has had as a parent. “I’ve learnt how to deal with a child’s tantrums or their cranky behaviour. Laksshay sometimes literally pulls my hair but I know he’s just doing masti and that’s how kids are. It can get really irritating, but as parents, it’s not something you can’t avoid it or get upset with it. You can’t take your own frustration out on your child. You have to accept everything that goes into raising a child.”
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First Published: Jun 07, 2019 11:40 IST