Eight sheep have been killed after having their faces 'torn off' in a vicious attack on an East Ayrshire farm.
The livestock were mauled to death in a brutal incident around Saturday, January 21 near Keyshill Farm, Mauchline.
The horrific attack has sent shockwaves through the local farming community placing farmers on 'high alert'.
Farmer Callum Watson has told how how the shocking sheep worrying incident is the worst thing that has happened on his dad's farm in 30 years.
Callum was called to haul the dead animals out of a burn near the farm after the pair woke up to the grim discovery.

Callum, 22, told Ayrshire Live: "In more than 30 years of my dad running this farm this is the worst thing that has ever happened.
"Eight animals have been killed and one is on the verge of dying.
"(On the Sunday morning) My dad went around the road to bring them into work with them, he found they had been attacked by something.
"I was called out to pull some of them out of the burn, they had their faces ripped off.
"There was five dead to begin with, three had to be put down by the vet.
"We suspect it's been a dog that has chased them into the burn, the vet could see from the injuries that it was dog bite marks."
The farm is now counting the cost with the lambs set to fetch £130 a head on the market.
The losses were also coupled with the cost of getting the sheep removed and having a vet called out to try and save the sheep who survived the attack.

"In the midst of a cost of living crisis, this is really not ideal," Callum added, "It's probably cost us up to £2,000, we've lost about just over £1,000 with them not being able to go to market.
"But it's not just about the money losses, the mental toll on the farmer is not good either. That has been devastating as well."
Rural cops have launched a probe into the sheep worrying incident.
Officers have asked members to get in touch with any information that will help trace those responsible.
A spokesperson for Police Scotland said: "We are appealing for information about a sheep-worrying incident near Keyshill Farm, Mauchline, around January 21.
"The incident left eight sheep dead, with a further four injured. Please contact 101, quoting incident number PS-20230123-1057 if you have any information."
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