Egyptian actor and singer Yousra, who recently attended a prestigious film festival in Saudi Arabia, opened up about how touched she was by Shah Rukh Khan's words for her during the opening night festivities. Both the actors were felicitated at the festival for their contribution to cinema through their work.
In a video shared by a Twitter user, Shah Rukh called Yousra, 'beautiful', 'elegant' as well as 'a legend from Egypt'. He also added that he has to ask for a hug from her later.
Check out the video here:
While speaking to the press recently, Yousra showered praise on the Bollywood superstar. The actress said that she was surprised by his words on stage and that honour has a special meaning for her. She also added that when Shah Rukh Khan said her name, described her in a very beautiful way, he really touched her heart.
Elaborating further, she added that although they have met each other two or three times before, she didn't expect that he's going to say something about her. According to her his words were special to her and that he's so loved for a reason. Yousra went on to add that despite how brilliant an actor and multi talented he is, Shah Rukh Khan is on another level. He has an incredible class, especially when you're around him, you can feel it. She concluded by saying that she loves him on a human level, not only for his talent.
On the work front, Shah Rukh will next be seen in Siddharth Anand's 'Pathaan', co-starring Deepika Padukone and John Abraham. It is slated to hit the theatres in January next year.