As the 2024 election approaches, various initiatives are underway to increase Black voter turnout, recognizing the significant impact Black voters have had in past elections. Vice President Kamala Harris has prioritized engaging Black voters, while former President Donald Trump has pursued unconventional strategies to appeal to this demographic.
Democratic efforts include door-knocking campaigns in key cities like Atlanta, Detroit, and Philadelphia, as well as star-studded rallies featuring prominent figures like Michelle and Barack Obama. Michelle Obama emphasized the importance of voting, highlighting its direct impact on people's lives.
Community-level activities, such as the 'Souls to the Polls' event in Miami, aim to energize Black voters. First-time voters like Sharina Perez are motivated by issues affecting their future and the younger generation.
Organizations like Color of Change PAC have been actively reaching out to Black voters through live events and digital platforms, countering misinformation and encouraging voter participation.

In Detroit, the Pistons hosted a carnival adjacent to an early voting polling place, attracting voters with entertainment and the opportunity to cast their ballots. While Black voters traditionally lean Democratic, the Trump campaign has made efforts to appeal to this demographic, particularly Black men.
Both campaigns have focused on economic arguments and community engagement to sway Black voters. The upcoming election will reveal the effectiveness of these strategies, with early voter turnout indicating strong participation among Black voters.
Despite some concerns about voter apathy, leaders like Rev. Wendell Anthony remain optimistic that Black voters will turn out in record numbers, recognizing the historic significance of the election.