Plans for new flats in South Queensferry look set to be thrown out after developers failed to provide enough "affordable" housing.
On Wednesday, City of Edinburgh Council’s development management subcommittee will decide whether or not to allow the development of 16 flats with associated parking, infrastructure and landscaping to proceed.
The report returned to the committee ahead of the meeting has recommended that the development is refused. It states developers have been unable to secure appropriate affordable housing agreements and there has been “no engagement from the applicants.”
According to the report, “the committee was resolved to grant planning permission subject to the conclusion of a legal agreement to secure the delivery of affordable housing.”
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However, the report found that “no progress [had been] made in securing the legal agreement for the site.”
Affordable housing policy requires that residential developments with more than 12 units provide affordable housing for at least 25 percent of the units proposed. For smaller developments of less than 20 units, the affordable housing may be “commuted” or agreed for development elsewhere.
Originally, the developers had tentatively agreed to deliver affordable housing through a link with development at Barnton Avenue West, but the planning report said the legal agreement was never agreed upon, and the two sites will no longer be linked.
The report concluded: “The applicant has failed to secure an appropriate legal agreement within the specified period. It is recommended that the application be refused on the basis that the appropriate infrastructure to mitigate the development has not been provided.”
The development management committee previously considered the Scotstoun Avenue proposal in October 2021 and again in February. The planning application was made on behalf of Cruden Homes (East) LTD, which is an Edinburgh based home builder.
The application garnered more than 120 neighbourhood objections, which are listed on the development’s planning application on the City Council planning portal compared to approximately 10 letters of support or neutrality.
Edinburgh City Council’s development management sub committee will hear general planning applications and reports to decide outcomes tomorrow morning. The final decision to grant or refuse the Scotstoun Avenue development will be made tomorrow.
Cruden Homes (East) LTD has been approached for comment.
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