A bid by BT to replace semi-derelict phone boxes across the capital with interactive 'digital hubs' has failed after plans were refused by Edinburgh City Council.
Last week Sighthill/Gorgie councillor Ross McKenzie told British Telecoms (BT) to "get a grip" as he shared photos on Twitter of disused and vandalised payphones on Dalry Road in his ward.
Cllr McKenzie said BT "won't remove the boxes as they make money from advertising on them". The company responded saying it was progressing plans with the council to remove "around 50 payphones" across the city and install "26 new BT Street Hubs".
READ MORE: The Edinburgh graveyard of abandoned phone boxes causing locals distress
But the councillor said the mere presence of the dirty spray-painted kiosks amounts to "vandalism of public space", adding their removal should not be conditional of getting permission for the interactive screens.
The Hubs, which have already been rolled out in 23 UK cities including Glasgow, London and Birmingham, are touted as a modernisation of the classic telephone box – offering free Wi-Fi, calls, phone charging and maps and directions.
They also provide free digital advertising space for the council and local businesses.
However, city planners have ruled the renewable energy-powered, 75-inch street displays would be an "unacceptable and unnecessary intrusion into the streetscape" which would result in "advertisement clutter".
"Advertising will not be supported on items of street furniture other than bus shelters and not on those in visually sensitive locations including certain parts of the World Heritage Site where the streets are of primary historic importance or where advertising would disturb important views or the setting of individual listed buildings," they wrote.
Last month the council refused plans for the removal of 15 phone boxes and subsequent installation of seven Street Hubs across Edinburgh including the ones flagged by Cllr McKenzie on Dalry Road. Unsuccessful applications lodged by BT also related to dilapidated call boxes on Morrison Street, Nicolson Street, Dalkeith Road and Crichton Street.

Councillor McKenzie said it is "not reasonable" for BT to make the roll-out of the Street Hubs "a condition for removal of the disused boxes".
He added: "The presence of these boxes amounts to vandalism of public space. BT should remove them immediately - no strings attached."
Proposals submitted more recently by BT to replace payphones on South Clerk Street and Haymarket Terrace with Street Hubs await a decision from the council.
A BT spokesperson said: “We are progressing plans with Edinburgh City Council to remove around 50 payphones across the city and replace them with around 26 new BT Street Hubs which will provide local people with free Wi-Fi, free calls, free mobile charging, allow environmental monitoring and provide free digital advertising space for the council and local businesses.
"We continue to discuss our plans with the council and we hope that Edinburgh will join other cities, such as Glasgow and Birmingham, where our new Street Hubs have been welcomed by local communities and small businesses.”
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