Uni hosts debate on healthcare reform
KEY experts and decision-makers will discuss the growing pressures on Australia's healthcare system in a webinar hosted by the University of Newcastle on Wednesday, July 20.
Health economics professor Francesco Paolucci, of the University of Newcastle and University of Bologna, Italy, will co-moderate the "Debate on Healthcare Systems Reform" event from 5pm.
He said it was a rare opportunity for the community to hear from "outstanding and distinguished" speakers including Professor Alex Robson, the Productivity Commission deputy chair; Alfa D'Amato, of NSW Health; Brian Kelleher of the Department of Health; and Professor Henry Ergas, an economist and columnist for The Australian.
"Healthcare systems globally are under tremendous stress," Professor Paolucci said. "An ever-challenging post-COVID era, with rising global, social and economic uncertainty are drivers of this stress. Australia is no exception."
Prof Paolucci said while the economic performance of the country still allows health budgets to be wealthy in an "unprecedented way", one-off policies did not have the ability to foster long term improvements in performance, efficiency and equity.
The session would discuss primary care funding challenges, the sustainability of the private health insurance market, and the interaction between public and private schemes. He hoped attendees would gain a deeper understanding of the challenges, and hear of potential avenues for reform. The session will be held at the University of Newcastle and online via Zoom. Register your interest online via https://uonewcastle.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_D-FsrBOHRragGICIJXyCyw#/registration.