Two devastating fires, the Eaton Fire and the Palisades Fire, have recently wreaked havoc in Southern California, leading to widespread destruction and tragic loss of life. Cal Fire has classified these fires as the first and second-most destructive fires in the region, respectively.
The Eaton Fire has earned the grim title of the most destructive and deadly fire in Southern California's history, as reported by CalFire. This destructive blaze has scorched over 14,000 acres of land and consumed a staggering 7,000 structures, based on official estimates. Tragically, the fire has claimed the lives of 17 individuals, according to information from the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner's office.
Following closely behind, the Palisades Fire stands as the second-most destructive fire in Southern California's history. This relentless inferno has engulfed more than 23,000 acres of land and destroyed approximately 5,000 structures. Regrettably, the Palisades Fire has resulted in the loss of at least eight lives, as confirmed by the county medical examiner's office.
Prior to these recent devastating fires, the Cedar Fire held the record for the most deadly and destructive fire in Southern California, dating back to October 2003. The Cedar Fire, which ravaged San Diego County, destroyed nearly 3,000 structures and claimed the lives of 15 individuals.