Brits eager to escape the country and relax poolside may be able to save some cash doing so, thanks to easyJet Holidays.
The travel company has launched an epic 28-day-long 'Escape the UK' all-inclusive holiday, which it claims is cheaper than meeting the cost of the average UK household’s winter bills.
Despite some government intervention, the cost of living crisis is leaving increasing numbers of people struggling to make ends meet as the cold weather draws in, forcing many to choose between heating and eating.
One breakdown of average outgoings estimates that each person will spend £939 a month on accommodation, gas and electric, water, food and alcohol, and other basics such as travel.

That amount is only going to go up over the coming months with inflation at around 10%.
easyJet Holidays is offering a solution with the lavish 28-day holiday, with prices from £650 per person for the entire month.
The package covers everything you need for the duration of your stay; travel, accommodation, food and costly outgoings like broadband and gym membership.
You’ll have no fuel, petrol or grocery bills to pay – and according to the office for National Statistics (ONS) it works out £227 cheaper per person than living in the UK.
The 28-day stay at the five star Stella Gardens Resort in Egypt will be blown away by everything they can get at the hotel.
You’ll dine on meals at the world-renowned resort restaurant without paying a penny extra.
Plus, there’s also a free spa and gym, WiFi included and TV streaming services.

Snacks and both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages are also available for free.
While many Brits will be unable to get a month of annual leave, the deal could work for teachers who get summer holidays or those who work remotely.
If you're planning to 'work from abroad', you'll need to check your company policy and the rules for working in Egypt before you book the trip.
Lynn Beattie, an ACMA management accountant, said: "The data collected in this study is incredibly insightful showing just how much the average household in the UK will spend on the most basic of living expenses.

“While escaping abroad does not make all our financial commitments disappear, it's startling to know that like for like, it's cheaper to buy an all-inclusive holiday than stay in the UK this winter.
“For consumers who could viably sublet/Airbnb their homes and work abroad, the new package deal by easyJet holidays poses a very attractive offer."
The package went on sale at 10am today starting at £650pp for 28-days and can be booked at
Travel restrictions and entry requirements may apply - always check the latest Foreign Office travel advice for a destination before booking or going on a trip.