With temperatures set to hit 23C this weekend, there is a good chance you'll be dreaming of a nice cool shower once you're finishing soaking up the sun.
But there's nothing worse than getting in that lovely shower to realise it's absolutely covered in horrible limescale and grime.
Thankfully, there is an easy method that will ensure the limescale is banished from the showerhead, along with any mould, mildew, and other nasty bacteria that may have appeared due to the blockages on it.
Cleaning experts at VictoriaPlum.com have explained that white vinegar is key to removing any nasties on shower heads - but there's a specific method you need to use to get the best results.

They said: "Soaking shower heads in a solution of white vinegar and rinsing with water is the best way to clean your shower head and get rid of limescale and mineral deposits.
"We would advise you to fill a plastic bag with vinegar and leave shower heads to soak for up to an hour, covering all holes. This allows it to dissolve limescale sufficiently."
You'll need to unscrew the showerhead and place it inside the sandwich bag, making sure the showerhead fits inside and can be soaked.
Then, you need to add the vinegar into the bag, ensuring the showerhead is entirely covered with the white distilled vinegar, then you can leave it for an hour to let the vinegar work its magic.
Once an hour is up, rinse and clean the shower head in fresh water, brushing off any remaining limescale with the toothbrush and wiping it down with a cloth.
Whilst this deep cleaning method is a fantastic way to ensure bacteria is busted, it is recommended to use an in-shower cleaning spray on a daily basis, to prevent the build-up of limescale on the showerhead and cubicle.
Do you have any cleaning hacks? Email: danielle.wroe@reachplc.com