*WARNING - spoilers for EastEnders airing at 7.30pm on Monday, November 11 and on BBC iPlayer now*
Tonight's EastEnders sees a surprise return when Bernie Taylor after she fled to Germany following Dean Wick's trial for the murder of Keanu Taylor.
Bernie has been a thorn in the side of The Six ever since Linda Carter confessed to killing Keanu at Christmas last year to stop him from strangling Sharon.
Understandably, Bernie was sickened by the fact the women had covered up her brother's murder and it was only the fact that all six had children and grandchildren who needed them that stopped Bernie from going straight to the police.
But, it seems Bernie has had a change of heart because tonight she is back on the Square and she is more determined for revenge than ever before.
It's no surprise that after her brother's death, Bernie changed - gone was the friendly, chatting cafe worker and instead was a woman on a mission to get justice. However, when Bernie returns to Walford tonight after hearing Nish has confessed to killing Keanu, there has been another shift in her.

First, she goes to see Linda, who is in a good place since Nish's arrest and even planning to go and see her recovery coordinator that afternoon. However, when Bernie makes her surprise return, the wheels soon fall off Linda's wagon and it comes crashing down once again.
Bernie is out for revenge, and even when Linda tells her that she tried to confess to the police but they didn't believe her, Bernie doesn't care. She tells Linda that either way she is going to die miserably - either in jail or by drinking herself to death!
Next Bernie goes to see Suki, who is pleased to have Eve home and hoping to get her own life back on track now that Nish is safely locked behind bars. Suki tries to reason with Bernie, telling her that Nish is guilty of so much more than she will ever know and that he deserves to be in prison.
But as Suki begs Bernie not to open any more wounds by going to the police, will she listen? Or is this new, darker side of Bernie, never going to rest until she gets justice for her brother?

Also tonight, Freddie and Kat are worried when they can't get hold of Bianca, and Reiss starts acting even more bizarrely than usual, while Harry is arrested for murder after Penny makes a sickening discovery and Teddy's ex, Nicola Mitchell turns up on the Square.
EastEnders airs Mondays to Thursdays at 7.30pm on BBC One.