Will Mitchell assaults his grandad Stevie Mitchell as his secret is exposed in Tuesday's episode of EastEnders (7:30 pm. See our TV Guide for full listings).
Ever since his surprise arrival, Stevie has been trying his best to bring the family together and convince the Mitchells not to disown him despite neglecting his son Billy Mitchell as a child.
So with the Mitchell family accusing Stevie of stealing the money from Lola Pearce-Brown's charity fundraiser, he's determined to track down the thief and prove his innocence.

At the café, Stevie questions Will about his involvement since he knows that his grandson is being blackmailed for money. However, Will desperately tries to throw Stevie off the scent.
Later on, Will fiercely protests Stevie's innocence to Phil Mitchell and storms out of the Vic when he refuses to listen. Stevie follows Will home and gets him to admit that he stole the money. He encourages the teen to confess, but a furious Stevie loses his temper when Will refuses.
In a moment of madness, Will knocks Stevie over and runs off, leaving him unconscious on the floor.

Harvey Monroe has been spending a lot of time with his new friend Maya Houssain and bonding over their mutual love for Spurs after bumping into her in the Square.
However, she has been displaying strange behaviour since they started meeting up, including deleting her social media profile when Harvey tried to get in contact with her. Her suspicious behaviour escalated when Harvey confessed that his son Aaron was in prison for trying to blow up a mosque as part of a racist right-wing attack. Maya later started researching Aaron's criminal history online, while Harvey was concerned that he had lost her as a friend.
Harvey's girlfriend Jean Slater has been encouraging their friendship but she's jealous when he organises to watch the England match with Maya at the pub. Maya comes down with a headache during the game and Harvey suggests they go to the Slater house to watch the game instead.
At No.31, Maya is extra polite to Jean to win her round, but her suspicion is peaked when Maya takes an unusually long time to make tea and she goes to check on her. Is Maya up to something?

Meanwhile, Sharon Watts persuades her brother Zack Hudson to get involved in the youth boxing tournament and tries to get siblings Nugget Gulati and Avani Nandra-Hart to join.

Elsewhere, Freddie Slater helps Bobby Beale plan a romantic date for girlfriend Anna Knight.
EastEnders continues on BBC Two due to football on Wednesday at 7:30 pm.