Ben Mitchell doesn't want to give up on fighting for Lola Pearce Brown in Wednesday's episode of EastEnders (7:30 pm. see our TV Guide for full listings).
Ben Mitchell has always been insistent on fighting for Lola Pearce Brown, even after the doctors told her that her brain tumour would be fatal.
He went on a mission to find her the best treatment but now it's clear nothing can be done to stop the rapid progression of her cancer, he is in shock.
Determined not to give up, even though there's no hope, he lashes out at Lola's granddad Billy Mitchell and his partner Honey Mitchell, accusing everyone of giving up on her.
Not able to deal with Ben freaking out, Lola's husband Jay Brown confronts him over his behaviour, but it only riles Ben even more.
It takes some wise words from Ben's dad Phil Mitchell about his own struggles with him mum Peggy Mitchell's cancer to snap Ben out of his mood.
Feeling guilty for adding to the familly's woes, Ben visits Lola to apologise for how he's been behaving.
Although it seems he's finally come to terms with Lola dying, there's still a part of him that can't accept it. He calls Dr Washington and asks for her help in making sure Lola will live for at least another few months.

Freddie Slater has been making peace with his difficult past at school after having an honest chat with his old teacher Mr Hawthorne. He even roped him into helping him out at the Queen Vic pub quiz!
After talking to Freddie, Mr Hawthorne suspected that many of his problems with learning at school may be because he has ADHD and he thinks Freddie should get checked out.
When Mr Hawthorne turns up with a referral card, however, Freddie is reluctant to listen to him.
Will Freddie confront his fears and get himself a test?

Stacey Slater has set off shockwaves through the family after her daughter Lily Slater found out Stacey has been secretly been doing cam work.
Struggling to pay the bills, Stacey set up an account on the Secret Cam site and started taking saucy photos in exchange for cash.
After Stacey's account was discovered by Lily's schoolmates, a mortified Lily found out and announced what her mum had been up to to the shocked Slaters.
Stacey's mum Jean Slater has found it difficult to come to terms with Stacey's choices.
Can Jean and Lily make peace with Stacey?

Also, Ravi Gulati is hopeful that Chelsea Fox might agree to give him a second chance. He was gutted when she dumped him after finding out that Ravi was trying to get her mum Denise Fox into bed. Can she forgive him?
EastEnders continues on BBC One on Thursday at 7:30 pm.