EastEnders fans want Jean Slater (Gillian Wright) to have her own detective spin-off series as she discovered vile Dean Wicks' (Matt Di Angelo) abuse towards his daughter Jade Green (Elizabeth Green) during last night's episode (Thursday, March 21).
After cystic fibrosis sufferer Jade told Dean that she was moving to Pakistan with her mum Shabnam Masood (Rakhee Thakrar) after her lung transplant, Dean conjured up a truly sick plan to keep her in the country.
When Jade contracted a chest infection, Dean started opening Jade's pill capsules and emptying the contents down the sink.
Dean has continued to cruelly tamper with Jade's antibiotics, wanting to keep her ill to stop her from going to live in Pakistan and stay with him.
But Dean sunk to a diabolical new low when he unplugged Jade's oxygen tank at her charity fundraiser and she collapsed, unable to breathe.
Dean blamed the incident on Jean, who has been supporting the ill teen through her struggles as a loyalty to her best friend Shirley Carter (Linda Henry).

As Jade was rushed to hospital, Dean struggled to hide his guilt in front of Jean and a suspicious Jean soon noticed something was wrong when Dean confessed his own guilt about what happened.
Jean tried to get to the bottom of the mystery by asking Dean if he had done something to her that was eating away at him, but he quickly refused.
Her suspicions only intensified when the doctor explained that while Jade's oxygen level was going up, he was concerned about her chest infection as it should be clearing up by now.
Dean lashed out at the doctor, thinking that he was accusing him of something. But when the doctor asked to see the antibiotic dose that Jade was on, Jean offered to go and get them from Dean's flat.
A panicked Dean did everything he could to try and stop her, but Jean insisted and he was forced to hand over his keys.
Back at Dean's flat, Jean was convinced that Dean had meddled with Jade's medication and told partner Harvey Monroe (Ross Boatman).

When they returned to the hospital, Jean attempted to hand over Jade's pill box and a new box of tablets to the doctor, but Dean quickly intercepted her and only gave the doctor the new strip of pills.
Later on, Jean confronted Dean about her suspicions and realised he was hiding something like she had thought. Dean broke under Jean's pressure and let slip that he felt like Jade was being punished for his past.
Soon enough, the conversation got heated when Jean said that he had done something to Jade's pills and was going to tell the doctor that Jade was not safe in his care.
He viciously grabbed her arm to stop her and she insisted that she wasn't scared of him. Caved in by Jean's pressure, Dean said he would tell her everything and started to manipulate Jean.
Dean conjured up a sob story by telling her how much he loved Jade and how terrified he was of losing her all over again if she moved away. Jean was taken in by his words and he proceeded to tell a shocking lie that Jade had insisted on dealing with the medication herself and he realised that she hadn't actually been taking them.
Dean claimed that Jade had risked her own health so she didn't have to make a decision about who she wanted to live with. But has Jean seen through Dean's lies?
Fans are now calling for a detective spin-off series focusing on Jean after her investigating skills...
Jean Slater needs a spinoff private detective show #EastEndersMarch 21, 2024
When is the BBC gonna greenlight a Detective Jean Slater #Eastenders spin off series? pic.twitter.com/OyZ1ToJRXfMarch 21, 2024
I would watch a Jean Slater cosy mystery series. The toilet scrubbing detective.#EastEnders pic.twitter.com/h4HOV1YAaqMarch 21, 2024
EastEnders airs Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 7.30 pm on BBC One — see our TV Guide for full listings. You can also catch up on episodes on BBC iPlayer now.